In preparation for a 3rd cycle of my Leadership Learning Forum process, to be run internally in a client site, largely by themselves now, I unearthed three important books used in the process on some past occasions.
“Teach Your child to Think” Edward de bono 0-670-83013-5…… “Systems Thinking” J. Gharajedaghi 978-0-12-385915-0 ….plus “An Introduction to General Systems Thinking” Gerald M Weinberg 0-932633-49-8
All powerful. One difficult [ the 2nd ]but extremely rewarding, as some difficult books are. AND…all are in greater need today than ever, because of global commoditization of technical devices/access, and easily obtainable or creatable software. But perhaps only for a few of the deeply dedicated leaders in our field . Likely not useful for the convenient or occasional visitor to Information technology as it is evolving today. Maybe just a brief outline or summary??? We will try that!
Peruse all three. Use parts. Decide yourself, please. Let me know……