Kevin Kelly’s recent book “The Inevitable”, referenced on several of my below comments, was often quoted in a provocative article about AI, in….. on 7/26/2016….”there has never been a better time, with more opportunities, more openings, lower barriers, higher benefit/risk ratios, better returns, nor a greater upside than right now!”
WOW..a huge statement by a famed author in our field!!
The article points out that advanced AI is the only way we can make sense of the overload of the data we are bombarded with today, and adds to the technologies that are advancing so fast, and possibly helping…[referenced below]…several more that are moving very fast…..Solar, block-chain, online education, on top of….. – mobile, social, “pocket doctor”, cloud…….!!…..
Who isn’t overwhelmed………… perhaps the young… always. So, there’s hope then, too, as always!!! so what do you think…. or feel??