Jul 30

My long range plans – a habit years old – tend to be “long” in the sense of “volume”. I actually believe the meaning of the phrase was to highlight “future time” , not number of words/topics. But I sometimes fell into that choice.

Am just now focusing on combining and rewriting many sections of my existing plan, [my 7th Phase] with care to re-word with greater discipline/insight. For better personal meaning and motivation.

It’s struck me now….. that perspective should also be applied to this website too. And I will integrate both in my efforts. With intensity, for several months….and will check those results , as Thanksgiving closely approaches. A moment of some personal truth for me………Of great interest!! I have added a section, re. how to get there, even as I reduce this current plan [ the entire 7th Phase document] size and complexity. We’ll see!!

Jul 22

As part of my current focus on this website, I’ve added a new section “Access”…….attempting to show how I’ve made available, an increasing amount of my materials, to select network members. Also will include plans to continuing expanding and updating. Plus providing a process of connecting to the other few who have that access. Please call or email me directly, if you’d benefit from that.

Jul 16

I have now started re-writing, updating, & expanding my website, making it a key part of my remaining years [ well, I hope ten more @ a minimum!!] in this last phase of my life. The other phases are listed in my long essay bio , under the section “My Work”. Hopefully all having grow from each other and now accumulated!!….where one of the main focus points will be sharing my materials and some of my direct connection when useful to those with access.

Jul 09

The last 4 blogs entered below …… ALL provide a strong background to several current personal intentions:

1.- I plan to post weekly, on an average, some opinion, perspective, insight that I judge useful to share with my still emerging, huge, network

2.-I have shared access with carefully select members of my network, to me and to all my materials, which are being increasingly transferred from my office here on Cape Cod to several protected sections of the website.

3.-I will review/update the entire website [created in the early 1990’s……and in it’s present style/shape since 2011. It’s been a major channel for me ….will be more so……..and likely be a major focus for the rest of my life. More to come!!

Jul 01

All four challenges, not obviously connected, have taken c. 6 weeks of my focus, from continuing to work on this website, ….to doing primarily nothing but waiting/watching, in Emergency Rooms, Hospitals and Rehabilitation Centers.

Now back. And thankful. And helpfully much more consistently creative, carrying out the intent of my 7th Life Phase…. The last…The best…The culmination of the first six phases….to be reflected in most of the following page!!

We’ll see. Call, email or comment if you think so, or not, please?!?!?

May 28

Memorial day weekend provided three long wonderful “Spring” like times for pondering/planning this 7th phase of my life , referenced below. It is in fact different. I’ve been documenting how/why, as I ease into my 86th year….Some generalities are listed below……..It’s not a binary sort, as so many things are/were in Information Services. Genuine leadership includes continually searching for, and identifying the appropriate “Tip” point in each situation or issue. Hopefully many are/will be explored on these pages. You’re welcome to join in as you see value for you

May 08

We shut down TDG Inc., as of 12/31/18 [a major change…much more than just an accounting shift!!]. Then traveled for an extended period to explore the option of Retirement…..relaxing…no contracts, nor retainer relationships. Then back focused in on life here on Cape Cod, as a Sole Proprietor, with all its ramifications…..like a new job, from my past life?!?

A work in progress. And a set of changes to this website reflecting that shift. As I move into my 86th year, believing more now, deeply in a different mantra:

more moving towards less

now moving towards deliberate

all moving towards choices

fast moving towards paced

intense moving towards balanced

My way moving towards include others

Hopefully it will show…………………..

May 02

Over three months, during which time the site was hacked and unavailable. It’s back up now…will be changed…some material moved elsewhere, but all else continued as I move on past my 85th birthday [May 7th], into this the 7th phase of my life…the best and last phase?!?!?

My your days be blessed too. Your comments and connection are always welcome

Jan 16

Often it seems to me, the general press offers little but problems/ conflicts/negative views of mankind’s capacities or history. Of course part of the explanation is that it “sells better”……we want to hear/read it, apparently, so we get it! But I believe I’d prefer a a balance with more up-lifting events, trends, perspectives. For example, in Japan, physically disabled individuals now are hired to work with robots via eye tracking, engaging directly with patients and earning a useful wage! OR….Alpha Zero can now teach itself to play multiple games, freeing up experts to focus more on strategy, and thereby learning more about how human think!!.

There are many!!! So this provoked me to review critically, again, everything I read/subscribe to/ watch often/ check on my desktop screen… my whole “in-box” so to speak…..how might it change now…what other ways can I learn, keep up to speed or free myself up from old less useful habits??

I will ask many of you directly what is your experience/plan here……

Jan 02

It’s sometimes easy to conclude that our overall news  sources/outlets, and the many audiences affected, disproportionately absorb or get focused on negative news. We all may be part of this tendency @ times. I believe, allowing that tendency to dis-balance”too much”, is detrimental to our potential of creativity, forward progress, and individual /group fulfillment. The current pace of change, especially based on technologies now available,  or expanding in front of us,  does seem overwhelming  in its possibilities. Like fire or water…..very powerfully   capable of surpassing our ability to control or harness. We might choose fear,  ignorance or in-action………..or move into realization, preparedness,  & collaboration. Yes, I believe that choice is harder work

I believe it was Peter Drucker who said…”The best way to deal with the future is to create it yourself”. On this site, and in our remaining life,  we will tend to do that, understanding both positive and negative, and applying ourselves , our counsel, throughout our full network of connections, as best we can!!

More to come………

Dec 13

With 5 G [yes-????] and AI [who knows how much we’ll see], and VR/AR, plus a trillion sensors out there collecting mountains of new data…..we may be able to impose together digital and “real” reality, in our  professional/personal lifetimes.

A sort of John Madden football  commentary/diagrams, spread out to  represent our world……….

That surely impacts of bunch of things…e.g….. training……the need for lifelong learning for all….the way most meetings are conducted… physical travel,……etc., etc.

Apparently  Walmart is already doing some of this…. we all need to ponder/discuss this  possible  future a great deal more. Continuously. Even if the questions are as unclear as the answers!!…well even more so!!!

Dec 04

Analytics, or Data Mining, or Data Sciences have been elusive targets in many I.T. organizations for sometime. Often defined by whoever is leading the focus/search, in each situation. Consensus in the marketplace , or the literature is even more elusive. The latest issue of Barron’s doesn’t settle that uncertainty. but surely allows some to feel they are in the “lead”…. or have the right to “teach”. I’m told Boston University will provide 5 courses next year, for CIO’s who want to understand more about this growing area of exploration. I intend to make it a personal quest to find more, hopefully definitively…who will lead the courses, how might they differ, what might be expected learning output, what is the curriculum and format…….hopefully enough to share with those interested

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