Jun 19

Having  just returned from my 55th  @ The College of The Holy Cross,  I was impressed by the frequency, commonality,  intensity of both feelings and perspectives about our Country today: – Very little if any real leadership in either [Any?] political party – Very worrisome  lack of  jobs or their creation – Deep concern about the lack of debt management & its implications – The number of home towns/cities/states where Classmates live, that are facing serious $ deficits right now  – The growing gap between the “Haves” and the “Have nots” – Major industries in huge turmoil/change, e.g. Real Estate, Health Care, Finance, Retail, Higher  Education, – Focus on much less relevant concerns, for too long, e.g., scandals by several male leaders, rather enough  effective focus on the difficult challenges just referenced.

And not a lot of  “Hope”

Was that ever so in such past gatherings?? I don’t think so. Maybe just age. Maybe just my own concerns finding like others to feel validated against.  As I said I was surprised, but did feel validted. We’ll see.  The next year or two seem crucial.

May 29

Things I See

This has been an oft requested short presentation to my retainer clients. The perspective being that I was in 20-30 organizations ever year and running sessions with hundreds attending.  So…. even if I didn’t know the answers, I knew what leaders were worrying/asking/pondering about.

I am traveling less now, but interacting more, either by phone or electronically.  Here is my current list. Each point sometimes takes an hour or more of intense dialogue when used as a discussion framework. I plan to do a video on my website for each one, overtime- two minutes or so long, i.e.,-crisp & relevant- every other week or so!

Do come to interact….leaving a comment, suggestion, or alternate view!


May 27

The first  experimental video we did, was a message on my 76th birthday. It’s stored with others now on this website, but it’s success connecting with many in my personal and in my  professional network, prompted the work leading to this new website!

So I’ve just done another. Very short..here is a still shot, taken on the National Seashore by Barbara ,as we walked there on my birthday just now.  Such walks are a favorite thing of ours, & one of the strong reasons for moving to Cape Cod 7 years ago.

I hope to be doing this, as happily as today, for 25 more years. And all that while, learning to connect  with you all in different ways, like these videos, on this website. Or in ways none of us can imagine yet!!

May 23

The informational value, and actionable comments, from last Thursday’s virtual call, validated for me,  all the time & energy I’ve invested in exploring this very different media over the last 18 months. About 25 such calls with many of my network. I’ll continue with more focus, applying the lessons absorbed,  prompted by participant comments, and eager to help others continue their journey of learning/change, via use of the LLF process!

May 05

Thank you all for your comments about this new website. It is surely easier to change/update.

I plan to add in, now, two minute videos on each of the dozen topics I’m talking about @ Forums, or @ Client sites currently. That list is now posted under “Leadership”,  under  “A Dozen Topics”,  for your review, or suggestions!!

A Dozen Things I’m talking about with various clients. I have the “Spider sense”, that these are likely true to some extent in many locations. Not just I.T. oriented. Not in any order.   5-4-11 issue

•             The importance of process skills/perspective, as part of continual business based communication, & alignment.

•             Need for pervasive Mentoring, and leadership development, not only of “emerging leaders” but of the 2nd generation down

•             Horizontal collaboration & thoughtful communication, both internally & externally. This communication must be conversational/persuasive/relationship building & maintaining [i.e., small talk].

•             Outside connections /exchanges, non-competitive. Likely somewhat diverse. To learn. To plan better

•             Making tough decisions faster, with disciplined follow through, in a transparent manner. The use of time.

•             Clear & continual reality limits on “how much is enough”. In multiple dimensions     Communicated!!

•             Being able to “Drop your ‘Tools’ of Identity”. At least for a situation.  Maybe fundamentally.

•             Trust. Extensively worked. Divergent

*            Financial Acumen.  Continually spoken to, & acted upon, on the part of ALL  I.T. staff leaders

*          Security- In the fullest sense. Identified accountability

*      Leaving a Legacy –Why, When, What???

*    Internal Consulting. Part of I.T.’s responsibility

Richard E. Dooley   President TDG, Inc.     41 Babbling Brook Road    Centerville, MA 02632

dick@thedooleygroup.com       508-771-0534                     Notify re, faxing please

Apr 27

Apr 23

Still struggling getting ready, as I’ve referenced in recent past comments, but feeling more in the flow of what I dreamed about being able to do, and hope to go live with this site within days! We’ll see!!

Apr 17

Still adding, updating, rewriting, culling, &  correcting misspellings and poor grammar. I can’t believe how much I let slip by!

Still planning to go live  right after Easter, so when you check it out.  Please let me  know your reactions,  its usefulness, and of ANY more things to correct or improvethat you find!!. I’d appreciate that a lot

Apr 02

Graduates will be able to continue as before, any or all 12 sessions per year for $300, or choose any four  for $100, or do a group of 5 for $500 for all 12.

Newcomers have a special track, with heavy preparation and sponsorship, plus my intense mentoring… a few at a time.

Mar 08

As I grow into my 6th life phase [ First Scholar program,  High Flyer in technology, Executive Floor Leader, Consultant & Professor,  Forum designer & facilitator,  legacy], and my chronological 4th stage […. each 25 years], I’ve embarked on a new updated, but historically based, interface with  my network and the general marketplace.
This website, after 12 very successful years with the first, is much more interactively framed. And easy  to change, which means it’ll be more current and relevant. And it provides an easy  link  to other sites important to my work, e.g.,  LinkedIn  and Ecto. That linkage captures all the connections & materials I’ve put in there over the year. In addition it will allow searches on my site, which is a new capability. Finally it will make available sooner and more completely, my characteristically active future  thinking   about challenges today that aren’t being attended to well enough in my opinion. This has been a long time favorite with clients and followers [those familiar ” Things I See and Hear”]
So join in,  review and ponder, respond how you’d like, and stay in touch.
I will!

Mar 03

This new framework for communicating is much more of a  two way connection, more individualized,  is already helping integrate/simplify my legacy years, while strongly reflecting those perspectives and priorities.

Please browse around, and comment. I’ve always sought feedback and dialogue

This is clearly another “divergent” (never-ending) focus in my life.

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