

Leadership Forum “Magic” – Background View

Most, perhaps 99.99%, of those who have engaged completely, in the Leadership Learning Forum process, have had a deeply beneficial, both individual and group, “magical”  experience. Some of us who have facilitated this over the years [ I began it in 1984], have communicated about how/when, & under what circumstances does the “magic” occur? And what might get in its way? What increases the % of it happening every time? Can we prescribe it?  Can it be taught to others to generate in their own way??Can it be deepened??  Updated???

This “magic” surely happens in most forums, but  also  it occurs in tons of other situations! All are needed now, and likely more so, in the world we are inheriting. It goes way beyond I.T. of course. Our recent working of this quest has shown that…..so other organizational units, both line and staff, are now included, plus external customers, i.e., real marketplace units.They have the same, likely stronger, need to know/understand…and want to explore options with a trusted relationship who works currently in the face off the very same “disruptive technologies”, that are so prevalent in most professions today

During the Nov. 2013,  45th annual SIMPosium,  hosted by the Boston SIM Chapter [superbly done!!], I began pondering  this research/dialogue, as part of my focus on the current 7th phase of  my life…….my “legacy” phase. A quest revitalized, so to speak. That would be fun for me,  very absorbing, and perhaps useful in coming years to those leaders who wish to continue providing such powerful leadership development for others, as I am. I am reaching out again to as many  of you as I can. There is  a compelling body of thought already developed.  Some  selected contributions/perspectives from partners in this quest, who are active in my network, are posted in the sections “Speaker Comments” and “General Teaching  Comments”. I will search my files,  my current clients, and my network, for other views, to help us all be better @ allowing “magic” to happen.

You may review, use, adjust for yourself, or collaborate with my efforts, on any of this accunmulated experiencial “wisdom”, by using your own specific password from me, for access.

Please connect with me directly with you comments/reactions/ideas, as I build this legacy for selected others to use.


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