Mar 03

Tomorrow, 12 years ago we arrived in both cars, jammed, ahead of the trailer , had a hard time fitting it all in! Actually we  are still throwing things out, on a consistent basis now. There’s just too much stuff. Simplifying seems  a better way to live. Love the Magic available here. Hope to be able to stay. The choice of home was solid, and it evolves better than we do sometimes. Bright sun, gentle Spring like day. Hopeful!!

Oct 30

Arizona  Center   400 e. Van Buren Street   Phoenix,  Arizona   85014

FREE    2/22-28-2016            <>

Dr. Carl is a very long time friend, mentor, companion together on multiple journeys. For both Barbara and I. He is know to many of you via numerous, relevant/provocative presentations in my Leadership Learning Forums over the years. And for  SIM, the Society of Information Systems. In particular, in the Regional Leadership Forums [ RLF’s] which have highlighted his books, as well as his talks/tapes. This will be a fun, moving. important initial focus here in the States of work Dr. Carl, Dr. “Patch” Adams, and others have done in Peru and elsewhere for years. Don’t miss it!! email  [above]for their brochure and latest information. I’ve sent a personal testimonial, and a $ contribution. You could/should too!!

Aug 21

I just, in the last blog was pushing the importance of “Breaking Smart” material, and now have another focus, at my highest personal priority of action for your very serious consideration:

The Millennium Project   2015-2016 State of the future     Glenn & Florescu     978-0-9882639-2-5

At a minimum read the Amazon 5 star reviews [ only a few since it’s just out] to get a flavor. Well written, well organized, interesting & understandable charts, good stuff on 2050, and 15 Global challenges, all worth discussing in our LinkedIn Discussion Group. And in LLF’s. And by all genuine Leaders!

So far I’m very happy I bought it and have allocated time/energy to assimulating it, and infusing it into my 7th life phase, especially re. anticipating the kind of “Magic” forum participants need in the future!!

Aug 04

I was just introduced to “Breaking Smart”, as “one of the most insightful things I’ve read in quite a while”….and indeed it is so far for me, and thus I’m passing it along…….with emphasis. Some parts take me a while, i.e., re-reading, to understand. It does however resonate closely with my chosen focus for the next 15 years[ my current long range plan], and my intentions for this website.

Go there.   <>    check if it fits anywhere near as well for you


Jul 19

One of the many things I’m incorporating into this website now, as I’m focusing on sharing Leadership Learning Forum [LLF] “Magic”, is a revolving set of cartoons. This “section” is not a protected area on the website. Some organizations doing multiple internal LLF’s have used “cartoons” as quick aids…on the big screen during breaks/meals, or as people gather to start, or during the “Cool down” period. Very effective. Brief. Cut to a relevant point. Provoke discussion as well as chuckles/laughter.

We’ve had an interesting dialogue, recently, in the LinkedIn Discussion Group [go there if you like… to the link on the lower right hand side bar, on the first page, and get engaged], prompted by this same idea,of the use of fun, or humor, or even jokes….. so…… how much??… does it help learning or being a leader, or diverts us??? This dialogue has been instructive for me, & brought about a deeper understanding  of the use of himor in a LLF, and a shift of perspective on my part!

Cartoons ,of course, are not the only way to bring “fun” or laughter into a Forum, but represent one easy quick way, that’s been effective so far. Each lead facilitator has this as a primary design parameter, I believe

Jul 10

I know Clayton Christensen, as many of you do…enjoy/use his books in LLF’s… like  his speeches, & his classroom presence/teachings, and most of all, his personal interaction.

The below link was sent to me by  a very successful Dot-Com surrivalist, who reads a lot ,as many of us do. This is short, very relevant, asking if each of us is doing enough preparing/helping of today’s emerging leaders….provoked some new ideas & energy on my part. Well worth discussion




Jun 27

I’m just now including under the section labeled “Magic”, my recent basic list of 133 topics, ideas, games, Executive Vignettes, video clips, etc. [click here]. For years I used this as starting point when generating the initial architecture of a Leadership Learning Forum. It’s not been updated in some years, but I will eventually make it so. I will start now to include a brief explanation of use, or potential place in a Forum Process of each. Like the numerous “posters” available on this site, these  can be adapted or expanded to customize for a particular set of Forum participants, and actually reformatted into a different delivery  media, i.e., from a list, to a game, to a breakout discussion, to an assigned presentation, etc.

Post 418 Master List E.V’s-Exercises- Games, Etc.

May 02

A set of WSJ columnists shared their perceptions on this topic in the WSJ Weekend Edition 5-20 & 21-2015 in the WSJ Magazine, page 38. Their ideas/views are important for any facilitator attempting to bring about more than just what’s on the agenda.

Rayne Baron -“…all of a sudden you can’t control it anymore. You have to stand back and let it take on a life of its own”….

Reggie  Watts – “… definitely about listening, literally listening to everything around you… to the ineffable, the intangible. Everything has its own vibrations”

Theresa Caputo – “…Negative vibes prevent us from seeing things. So I always say to everybody. ‘quiet your mind’  ”
All three points are very relevant to allowing the “Magic” to build in a Leadership Learning Forum, which is, in my opinion, the lead facilitator’s main  responsibility. Get the full article to ponder  and focus on the “Vibes” in your sessions. Or, that aren’t there, if not & perhaps how to engender them?!?

Apr 01



Feb 02

I just returned from 2 weeks travel, helping two retainer clients bring their Leadership Learning Forums [LLF]to  “commencement” – that word is used to imply both an  ending and a beginning, again of the Forum Process. They will both continue the cycle.  This trip, especially returning here to more snow than I’ve ever seen on the Cape [window sill high, on our deck from the kitchen  sink outlook], prompts me to keep focusing on the LLF “Magic” sections [ password protected] on this website…a life long effort of mine now, in this my 7th career phase!!

Jan 10

This is a basic LLF process document [Post 237I-3] , recently reviewed & updated for several clients who are beginning to lead their own adaptation/customization, of my evolving LLF Process. Sixteen key decisions and 22 issues to shape or set in place.

Usually takes a lot of discussion, planning and counsel.

And it’s a continual process in order to maintain the “magic”

You’re welcome to connect to explore that ongoing effort.

Jan 01

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next years words await another voice”

T. S. Eliot  American poet 1888-1965

So, yes, traditionally we set new resolutions, plans, and hopes….a clean slate so to speak… of up-looking, and within our grasp, most likely. The key part to me of T.S. Eliot’s quote is  he use of the word “await”…connoting choice, i.e., action we can take….Thus the hope!!. I feel a surge of it for 2015 and send some along to you, if you’d like!

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