Jul 29

Kevin Kelly’s recent book “The Inevitable”, referenced on several of my below comments, was often quoted in a provocative article about AI, in    www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets…..   on 7/26/2016….”there has never been a better time, with more opportunities, more openings, lower barriers, higher benefit/risk ratios, better returns, nor a greater upside than right now!”

WOW..a huge statement by a famed author in our field!!

The article points out that advanced AI is the only way we can make sense of the overload of the data we are bombarded with  today,  and  adds to the technologies that are advancing so fast, and possibly helping…[referenced below]…several more that are moving very fast…..Solar, block-chain, online education, on top of….. – mobile, social, “pocket doctor”, cloud…….!!…..

Who isn’t overwhelmed………… perhaps the young…..as always. So, there’s hope then, too, as always!!! so what do you think…. or feel??

Jun 29

In the 6/14 issue of SingulariyHUB [which I read regularly],- and in the CNBC interview which is clickable from it- they argue that the issue isn’t the amount/pace of change, [referenced below in my last several blogs]….. it’s that some or perhaps many of us are sluggish @making appropriate  USE of the opportunities arriving for us. It’s simply a matter of adapting, something that is altogether human, and which we have always done very well before…though perhaps not always comfortably, as it happened. Plus, it is too easy to be pessimistic before or during change, another very human trait, but the positive opportunities ARE there. So it’s up to each of us, individually and  as leaders, to choose how we respond, contributing to or helping how, others will!!

Profound, I believe!!

Jun 04

This is basically the title  of a new book by Kevin Kelly, available 6/7/16, by Viking

Well, I’ll get it and read carefully……. Kelly co-founded WIRED in 1993, was Executive Editor until 1999 and is still with them. He also was the publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review. I’ve read his comments/articles before, and surely can’t avoid taking advantage of my picking 12 also, not knowing he had. He covers the set as deeper processes, not specific trends, but also believes they overlap and are codependent. I’m thinking this makes both discussion and sharing, mandatory, in my network. We’ll see……

Apr 05

Well ,with calls/emails and one comment on this system, it’s clear this list expands beyond most of our reading /learning habits in our current already full lives….but I’ve added two more anyway!



So it’s top twelve tech tides, for me @ least, just now. The latest copy of KurzweilAI 4/3/16, which I read with discipline, supports this “Avalanche” sense

Apr 02

There seem to be more, but ten is enough for me, now, to try understanding re. status, possibilities of both  dangers and benefits, and time to local impact/use. Just 18-24 months ago some were clearly still “Science Fiction”, or @ best experimental. Now there is literature available almost every day, it seems, with some new additive research/application being reported. Folding in real thought  and judgment about how/when to consider for actual project proposals is a new skill required , I believe  of every Organizational Leader. This requires changes/expansion of relationship networks, reading  habits, and openness of creative insights. A very big order, when combined with current loads and schedules!!

My current ten are: Advanced Artificial Intelligence, 3 D Printing, Drones, Implants, Wearables, Robotics, Virtual Reality, plus Augmented Reality, Driverless Cars/Captain-less Ships, and the Internet of Things……….

What are yours…and how will you look to apply???

Jan 12

Singularity Hub on 1/10/16 published some comments and a video, based on Ray Kurzweil’ s talk last summer, in which he asked this question. It’s  hugely provocative. Some say just it’s just philosophical, not of near term operational focus. But consider the many science fiction type technologies of 1 to 3 years ago that are greatly influential if not common place today – drones, implants, 3D printing, wearable’s, driverless cars, Robots in competition, hover boards, etc., etc. The disruptive potential is extensive, and deepening in many industries.

Also on personal careers and life styles. Not just on emerging professionals or leaders but anyone with a sense beyond their near  term future. Read it and watch …..and plan!




Oct 30

Arizona  Center   400 e. Van Buren Street   Phoenix,  Arizona   85014

FREE    2/22-28-2016            <clowntownhealingfest.com>

Dr. Carl is a very long time friend, mentor, companion together on multiple journeys. For both Barbara and I. He is know to many of you via numerous, relevant/provocative presentations in my Leadership Learning Forums over the years. And for  SIM, the Society of Information Systems. In particular, in the Regional Leadership Forums [ RLF’s] which have highlighted his books, as well as his talks/tapes. This will be a fun, moving. important initial focus here in the States of work Dr. Carl, Dr. “Patch” Adams, and others have done in Peru and elsewhere for years. Don’t miss it!! email  [above]for their brochure and latest information. I’ve sent a personal testimonial, and a $ contribution. You could/should too!!

Sep 03

I’ve been interacting  with clients re. the troublesome & deepening aspects of security & privacy issues for several years, that weren’t often addressed, nor designed for, in systems operating today. Just had a close friend and client point out such a vulnerability on my own website. Happened, classically, a week or so ago as I made another seemingly unrelated move of web materials/links. Like lessons of 4  decades ago in then called Data Processing. Which I was responsible for! A humbling lesson, prompting more rigorous review of everything on the site, since I am in a thorough redesign/update, and will be for some time.

An added constant perspective, hereafter. You may have already had it.

Aug 21

I just, in the last blog was pushing the importance of “Breaking Smart” material, and now have another focus, at my highest personal priority of action for your very serious consideration:

The Millennium Project   2015-2016 State of the future     Glenn & Florescu     978-0-9882639-2-5

At a minimum read the Amazon 5 star reviews [ only a few since it’s just out] to get a flavor. Well written, well organized, interesting & understandable charts, good stuff on 2050, and 15 Global challenges, all worth discussing in our LinkedIn Discussion Group. And in LLF’s. And by all genuine Leaders!

So far I’m very happy I bought it and have allocated time/energy to assimulating it, and infusing it into my 7th life phase, especially re. anticipating the kind of “Magic” forum participants need in the future!!

Aug 04

I was just introduced to “Breaking Smart”, as “one of the most insightful things I’ve read in quite a while”….and indeed it is so far for me, and thus I’m passing it along…….with emphasis. Some parts take me a while, i.e., re-reading, to understand. It does however resonate closely with my chosen focus for the next 15 years[ my current long range plan], and my intentions for this website.

Go there.   <www.Breakingsmart.com>    check if it fits anywhere near as well for you


Jul 19

One of the many things I’m incorporating into this website now, as I’m focusing on sharing Leadership Learning Forum [LLF] “Magic”, is a revolving set of cartoons. This “section” is not a protected area on the website. Some organizations doing multiple internal LLF’s have used “cartoons” as quick aids…on the big screen during breaks/meals, or as people gather to start, or during the “Cool down” period. Very effective. Brief. Cut to a relevant point. Provoke discussion as well as chuckles/laughter.

We’ve had an interesting dialogue, recently, in the LinkedIn Discussion Group [go there if you like… to the link on the lower right hand side bar, on the first page, and get engaged], prompted by this same idea,of the use of fun, or humor, or even jokes….. so…..fun?… how much??… does it help learning or being a leader, or diverts us??? This dialogue has been instructive for me, & brought about a deeper understanding  of the use of himor in a LLF, and a shift of perspective on my part!

Cartoons ,of course, are not the only way to bring “fun” or laughter into a Forum, but represent one easy quick way, that’s been effective so far. Each lead facilitator has this as a primary design parameter, I believe

Jul 10

I know Clayton Christensen, as many of you do…enjoy/use his books in LLF’s… like  his speeches, & his classroom presence/teachings, and most of all, his personal interaction.

The below link was sent to me by  a very successful Dot-Com surrivalist, who reads a lot ,as many of us do. This is short, very relevant, asking if each of us is doing enough preparing/helping of today’s emerging leaders….provoked some new ideas & energy on my part. Well worth discussion




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