Aug 12

Risa Mish,  a very accomplished Professor @ Cornell University, spoke @ the SmithBucklin Leadership Learning Forum last week and helped me understand more about my Forum “Magic Quest” . She posited that to get there [she generates her own magic], one needs courage, then faith, then the ability to let go, then the capacity to  own your own gifts! This resonates quite well for me, and I consider it a profound insight!

I’d be happy to ponder you own thoughtful reactions. Please send them along.

Jul 09

Barbara and I attended this spectacular, community festival. We have before, but it was much larger this year,and attracted participants/attendees from all over, all happily connecting thoughout the grounds! It’s always over the July 4th holiday. [Interesting reference]. The Wampanoags are the tribe native to Cape Cod. First to meet the “white man”, on “First Encouter Beach” on the outer Cape. Beautiful new, or carefully preserved costumes. Many children, Many “elders” [my senior by a lot seemingly!!]. A huge & long Grand Entrance dance/walk  [traditional]. which we were never early enough to see before. Many stalls for crafts.  Quite unusual selections. Yes, the usual tourist stuff, but also  tons of authenic looking, expensive, certified made by American Indians, superb quality, tent fulls of clothes, trinkets, pottery,wall-hangings, furniture etc., etc. Great for a 2nd home on the Cape. Clearly was selling!! We ,as an obviously non-indigenous couple, were by far in the minority!  [My eye patch drew fast attention…pirate implications??] Maybe later more of current Cap Coders showed up?

 I was struck by the value of preserving history and customs. My Leadership Learning Forums are based as much on reviewing, reflecting  on the past, as much as preparing for the future. No doubt the best, deepest learning is a combinaton of both… combine the available wisdom of actions/history, with the potential insight for  future possibilities. Surely in leadership development, a review of growth to date, must be integrated with a focus on the continual learning and change, that is there for us all. Whatever our heritage! 

A very provocative several hours. Productive of  “HOPE”. Unusual!

Jun 28

Some time ago , in helping design an internal Leadership Learning Forum in The University of Kentucky’s I.T organization, we  choose five excellent themes, one of which was  the title above. It’s certainly needed everywhere. Especially you might argue in a large University. It turned out, of course, to be a very important focus. And with some real results.

Since then in almost every other organization I’m in, it’ s a key area of emphasis. Perhaps having become sensitive to it, I’m noticing more often, how much the planning/executing/communicating necessary for  today’s work., requires more of it than has been the case! Few things can be effectively accomplished in 2011,  because of the extensive “fish-netting” required . Everywhere.  Much more than a few years ago, when we also knew it such cooperation was useful. 

Pay attention to how you can increase cross-functional  collaboration. It can be done. Others are!! It’s an imperative!! And also is divergent [ i.e., we’re never finished]

Jun 19

Having  just returned from my 55th  @ The College of The Holy Cross,  I was impressed by the frequency, commonality,  intensity of both feelings and perspectives about our Country today: – Very little if any real leadership in either [Any?] political party – Very worrisome  lack of  jobs or their creation – Deep concern about the lack of debt management & its implications – The number of home towns/cities/states where Classmates live, that are facing serious $ deficits right now  – The growing gap between the “Haves” and the “Have nots” – Major industries in huge turmoil/change, e.g. Real Estate, Health Care, Finance, Retail, Higher  Education, – Focus on much less relevant concerns, for too long, e.g., scandals by several male leaders, rather enough  effective focus on the difficult challenges just referenced.

And not a lot of  “Hope”

Was that ever so in such past gatherings?? I don’t think so. Maybe just age. Maybe just my own concerns finding like others to feel validated against.  As I said I was surprised, but did feel validted. We’ll see.  The next year or two seem crucial.

May 29

Things I See

This has been an oft requested short presentation to my retainer clients. The perspective being that I was in 20-30 organizations ever year and running sessions with hundreds attending.  So…. even if I didn’t know the answers, I knew what leaders were worrying/asking/pondering about.

I am traveling less now, but interacting more, either by phone or electronically.  Here is my current list. Each point sometimes takes an hour or more of intense dialogue when used as a discussion framework. I plan to do a video on my website for each one, overtime- two minutes or so long, i.e.,-crisp & relevant- every other week or so!

Do come to interact….leaving a comment, suggestion, or alternate view!


May 23

The informational value, and actionable comments, from last Thursday’s virtual call, validated for me,  all the time & energy I’ve invested in exploring this very different media over the last 18 months. About 25 such calls with many of my network. I’ll continue with more focus, applying the lessons absorbed,  prompted by participant comments, and eager to help others continue their journey of learning/change, via use of the LLF process!

Apr 27

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