Apr 19

I have often used this exercise in LLF’s [just did in one!] to foster participants’ exploration in areas of potential growth, or change, that are not front and center, in their current busy, interrupt driven professional lives. Ten minutes quiet, then 20 minutes more discussion.

“There is an Eastern belief in the value of acquiring knowledge or insight, not through  action, but by the silence and stillness  of introspection and reflection……. Can you do this?  Do you understand that others can with powerful results? How might you incorporate this idea in you own leadership growth?

Of course, an intense, sometimes surprising, often deeply useful discussion follows. Which also always “integrates”  ideas/perspectives from earlier speakers, book, exercises, in a “magical way!! Usually there are at least a handful of participants who practice some personal process of introspection or reflection, and are willing to share their benefits/techniques. A thunderously valuable 3o minutes.


Jan 22

Cape Cod doesn’t handle snow over 2-3 inches  as well as Chicago does….where I just came from. Lucky to get in here. I helped “Commence” the third Leadership Learning Forum [LLF] there  1/17-18/’14,  @ SmithBucklin Corp., sponsored and led by Henry Givray, their CEO. A spectacular process, deep & broad learning/growth, powerful bonding by all participants/speakers, wonderful gifts & memories, unique energy and commitment being carried forward both personally & professionally! With uniquely positive organizational impact. Lots of “Magic”!!

Most note-ably, for my own continued growth & learning.  I’ve been involved in perhaps 250 LLF’s since 1984. This  one was at the top or close to it!! A joy and solid pride for all to be part of!!!

I will travel to Loma Linda University Health, in San Bernardino, next week to help “commence” there, their first such LLF, which has had, so far, a lot of the same results/impacts, and “magic” as referenced above.

Much of this website is now dedicated to helping bring that about more frequently, more predictably, as referenced below, especially the evolving section “Magic”

We’ll see.

Dec 28

In all my current Leadership Learning Forums [LLF’s], four capacities, or fully transportable skill sets, are increasingly more tightly integrated in the work of evolving high impact leaders! 1) Project Management, which nowadays, everyone needs to understand and be reasonably adept at. 2) Self-assessment, or deeply engaged in one of the better “profiling” techniques., which is less frequent but becoming essential in my opinion. 3) Leadership development which has been a focus all over for some time [not always achieved successfully]. 4)  Business enabled counsel, or “internal consulting skills”, which is much less frequent, exists in individual cases, but has now become a crucial part of effective staff leadership. When all four are together and focused on the customer or marketplace the positive impact is huge……a  very positive advantage that is easily identified and creates quite a competitive edge. Part of the LLF  “Magic” is the combining, & the growth, of these capacities in forum participants. Look for it!!

Nov 19

Most, perhaps 99.9%, of those who have engaged completely, in the Leadership Learning Forum process, have had a deeply beneficial, both individual and group, “magical”  experience. Some of us who have facilitated this over the years [ I began it in 1984], have communicated about how/when, & under what circumstances does the “magic” occur? And what might get in its way? There is already a body of thought resulting from this quest!

During the Nov.2013,  45th annual SIMposium,  hosted by the Boston SIM Chapter [superbly done!!], I began pondering a revival of this research/dialogue, as part of this current 6th phase of life, my “legacy” phase. A quest revitalized, so to speak. That would be fun for me,  very absorbing, and perhaps usful in coming years to those who wish to continue providing such powerful leadership development, as I am. I will reach out again to as many  of you as I can.

This ” magic” surely happens in most Forums, but also in tons of other situations! All needed now, all over, and likely more so, in the world we are inheriting. It goes way beyond I.T., of course. Our past working of this quest already has shown that

Some past contributions/perspectives from my network, are posted under “Magic”, in this growing section of my website. hopefully you’ll find it useful. Please connect with me directly with you comments

Oct 27

“Certian Trumpets”  The Nature of Leadership    Garry Wills   0-684-80138-8

We very often include this book in internal LLF’s. It covers 16 tpyes of leadership with a selected historically well know person as an example,  then followed by an “Antitype’, also usually well know. The juxaposition of both is insightful. Often provoking new perspectives, even for those of us who’ve read the book several times. Wide and deep coverage. And of course, the full transcript of leadership, yes,  & followership ,and even by some views, failure to lead or follow is distinctly portrayed. AND…… as is sometimes the case with excellent books, the introduction, and the conclusion, plus the appendix, can all be meditated on by themselves, for superb personal understanding of the topic.

Get it out and review for you own growth!!

Sep 27

Having been in several all day planning/exchange sessions the last two weeks, with I.T. executive leaders and clients,  three topics seemed dominant, and concerned all:

3D printing – didn’t know enough [ only hype]- unsure of real applicability in theirorganization

Rampant mobility & personalization of tech. use – especially among new hires, & high level techs!

Disappoinment in the existing architechure/standards/governance process by those two groups

Great,  but diverse, subsequent discussions!!

Aug 26

One of the books referenced below in that superb internal Leadership Learning Forum is ” Crucial Conversations” by Petterson,Grenny, McMillan & Switsler.   If you haven’t got it, or read it, do both for sure, please! It’s a core book [Adlerian definition = a book that grows with you!] in almost all the Forums done recently. And invariably such reviews are accompanied by off- the-cuff remarks like “My favorite”….. “life changing…. “addresses a real need I have.”, etc. It’s been on my list of “core books” for some time also [ Click here for that list]. They have also written two other superb additions to our learning/growth/change…. “Crucial Confrontations” … and …..”Influencer”. Same coments re. both.

A fast taste of what’s in “Crucial Conversations”.              Super  quotes throughout, summaries of each chapter, flyleaf praise & forward, excellent diagrams, & examples. Definiton = 1) Opinions Vary 2)Starkes are high  3) Emotions run strong. STATE = Share your facts. Tell your story. Ask for others’  path. Talk tentatively. Encourage testing

Some one-liners = p11 “In the best companies, everyon hlds everyone else accountable”…p22 “When people purposefully withhold meaning from one another, individually smart people can do collectively stupid things”…….. throughout =”Make it Safe”…… p217 ” “your ability to pull yourself out of the content of a discussion and to focus on the process is inversely proportional to your level of emotion”
p220-221 “there’s too much material in this book to try to master in one sitting….you haven’t talked them [concepts] enough to make them part of your vocabular”….p224 “Remmeber the costs: focus on the rewards”

There’s much much more!!


Jul 15

Issues or challenges that confront “C” level leaders, wherever I am these days, often require more experience, education, or capacity than they, or their staff, has! I’ve listed 15 trends or processes [click here], which are usually co-mingled in some way, and also 5 responses, both of which help that frame such discussions, and may be relevant for your environment. It’s an overview that’s surprisingly daunting for many staff leaders today!!

Jul 15

On  7/12/12, General Hal Nelson U.S.Army [Ret.] lead a dialogue about our upcoming  third forum @ Cantigny, hosted by The McCormick Foundation, 10/1-2/12. His slides and other materials are available in my website. Many of the participants on the call,  had been to previous sessions and articulated the value to/impact on them! The importance of preparation [ pre-reading], and the deeper insights acquired by those who attended a 2nd or 3rd time, and the fact that Cantigny is so rich/diverse/large in scope and history, that whatever you need to learn about leadership….. it’s already there!  And will be clear as the session unfolds!!  All were emphasized. A truly unique learning experience!!! Join in with us to contribute and to grow.

May 31

Some version of the below 8 trends/focus points seems to be in every interaction I have today with clients or LLF graduates. Does this loose, macro view, resonate, in part, with your sense of things??

The Unique Potential [Overwhelming??] Impact of Eight, Current, tightly Integrating “Horizontal”   Organizational Processes   Four  traditionally based or driven by I.T., or deeply impacted by I.T. Initiatives   Two [#5 & 6]  are often independently started there, and the last two [#7 & 8] are basically not indigenous, likely even “strange” to many I.T. groups


1.      Overall Technical Architecture  [OTA]- long standing quest, still elusive

2.      Project Management Office – discipline/processes – a few are corporate wide

3.      Enterprise Wide System[s] & business process redesign – primarily I.t. driven often owned or lead by a senior line executive

4.      Mobile-handheld-APP based development-cloud residence- multiple function devices[ BYO]- Hardly well in hand anywhere –not seen as I.T.’s especially by the “younger generations”


5.       Security- fullest sense- sometimes I.T. located

6.       Leadership Development – needed desperately in I.T., then in concert corporately – My work has been with I.T. groups who wanted this as a priority, largely because of the whole 8!!


7.      Ownership & Accountability Expectations –very uneven approaches

8.      Organizational Culture and Change – Human Recourse “Should”, almost never “is”



Richard E. Dooley 5-29-12



Oct 17

Barbara and I spent the weekend @ The College of the Holy Cross, attending the President’s Council with many other leaders.  6 special Classmates there.  And lots of memories……. a wonderful time and process!! I was provoked to recall how huge an impact Holy Cross had on me in those four years [i.e., in addition to shaping my character & value set, & training my thinking habits, I had my eye removed because of cancer…… I learned how to lead/run all kinds of groups and meetings….. etc., etc.]

So I’ve been more broadly examining how the perspectives and imprints of that period of growth in my life, and the near term years after it,  applies today, here on Cape Cod, with 5 Children ,8 grandchildren, many friends, and multiple clients, all over the country, and how will it shape me in the coming years…….

Very  provocative

Oct 01

After almost 30 virtual LLF 2.0 calls, I am returning to the “traditional”  process of meeting on a special site, with a small very select, commonly interested, set of forum graduates or clients. General Hal Nelson and I have used these facilities before to help us all focus on new leadership perspectives and processes, in today ‘s more challenging situations.   It’s stunning to me, through I’ve done this for 28 + years, how much care/preparation/speaker pre briefing/agenda placement, etc., it takes, to do it right. I  think it will show. It’s clearly something I love doing

Click on “Cantigny” above, & then “materials” for some info. Come if you can. Or just connect with me one way or another, please!

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