Thank you all for your comments about this new website. It is surely easier to change/update.
I plan to add in, now, two minute videos on each of the dozen topics I’m talking about @ Forums, or @ Client sites currently. That list is now posted under “Leadership”, under “A Dozen Topics”, for your review, or suggestions!!
A Dozen Things I’m talking about with various clients. I have the “Spider sense”, that these are likely true to some extent in many locations. Not just I.T. oriented. Not in any order. 5-4-11 issue
• The importance of process skills/perspective, as part of continual business based communication, & alignment.
• Need for pervasive Mentoring, and leadership development, not only of “emerging leaders” but of the 2nd generation down
• Horizontal collaboration & thoughtful communication, both internally & externally. This communication must be conversational/persuasive/relationship building & maintaining [i.e., small talk].
• Outside connections /exchanges, non-competitive. Likely somewhat diverse. To learn. To plan better
• Making tough decisions faster, with disciplined follow through, in a transparent manner. The use of time.
• Clear & continual reality limits on “how much is enough”. In multiple dimensions Communicated!!
• Being able to “Drop your ‘Tools’ of Identity”. At least for a situation. Maybe fundamentally.
• Trust. Extensively worked. Divergent
* Financial Acumen. Continually spoken to, & acted upon, on the part of ALL I.T. staff leaders
* Security- In the fullest sense. Identified accountability
* Leaving a Legacy –Why, When, What???
* Internal Consulting. Part of I.T.’s responsibility
Richard E. Dooley President TDG, Inc. 41 Babbling Brook Road Centerville, MA 02632 508-771-0534 Notify re, faxing please