Can you do both?…and switch back and forth w/o losing your game? Few have that capacity naturally. Most of us need to work @ it/learn more about How?/Why?/When? Especially today in Information Technology. It’s not enough to be skilled at/fully understanding of, the disruptive technologies [Post 444 Tech Trends] happening in all professions. Neither is it enough to just attend the responsibilities of that level. Increasingly, competence is required in both.
Well….. how do you get there? As starters…carefully constructed reading/communication work habits early in your life…..relationships built on connections where you will be coached/mentored, actually “pushed”some…..with an overall personal attitude of humility laced with confidence and action….
Or don’t reach very far into any form of leadership!!
More soon. It’s a huge focus.
This is a quote I often am sharing lately with emerging leaders. makes sense in whatever stage you’re in, I believe. It’s worthy of being up on our work place wall!!
Recently while establishing several new customized cycles of the Leadership Learning Forum Process, in specific organizational settings, the 8 selection processes/discussion points [Post 280] modating increasing requirements to adjust. Hopefully that will continue amidst all the disruption/competitive pressure abound today.
Real design, rare in most organizations, is well beyond just putting things together…which is hard enough sometimes. It requires more than a little of basic creativity…..starting almost from scratch…..or what seems like it. That is, a new market, or abrupt shift in organizational culture, a vastly different leadership style. Into such a context, the LLF process has been successfully, not easily, implanted often over the last 25+ years. Two beginning documents [recently updated] are linked here as a combined basis for starting such a design. I’ll follow these “poster” expressions with some audio ramblings….hopefully helping deepen effective understanding!
I always [perhaps like many of us] assumed I understood and actually practiced thinking/being “strategic” in my leadership and management. Two client have been asked [ directed??] to be strategic, and we’ve been in conversations about what does that mean? what do/can others do? how does it mix in with operation or tactics that are soo pressing today.
A list: Post 445 Strategy Ponderables, developed as we explored options. Likely to increase
I’ve been commenting on this giant set of topics, and writing a blog now and then…even two in a row now[ see below]
Seems appropriate in my network …a new poster linked in….”word-smithed” a bit……. almost all counsel today, personal and organization, @ the senior levels leads within an hour or two, leads to some converging set of this list.
The list started as 12, grew to 15, then to 20……….it doesn’t matter what number you use today…it’s growing and impacting more work flows/people/products/teams…..needs to be understodd by many ……anticipated …and applied…continually…. they shapes the entire I.T. focus I believe, especially from the consumer/marketplace view…..
Will explore it directly with some of you
For some many months I have been lecturing on the extent of many [actually increasing] technology trends, most of those on the list were “Science Fiction” topics, just a short while ago. This list is used as a discussion basis in Leadership Learning forums – Post 444 Tech Trends. The crucial implications referenced, are the intense tight convergence, the realization that some really aren’t technology trends, but ideas or processes, that they are changing, in real time, AND provoke at the same time a serious level of concern/planning, and also the naive view that this is a long ways off!! They’re the full brackground now for several major industries…..big Health Care, Higher Education , the Legal Profession, Banking, and Insurance, and on & on. And they represent a framework for everyone’s planning/security/disaster recovery efforts. Welcome to the dialoque. It will be with us for sometime. Those in our profession….Information technology Services….. who have wanted to be more important surely have that option now!
This 6th video, long with the previous 5 videos shown under “teaching videos/photos”[ click above], of my office and what’s in it, manifests, I believe, how I’ve grown and changed, both professionally and personally over time. It’s the framework now, in this giving back phase, the 7th phase of my career, providing a flexible construct to share all my learning’s and experiences helping emerging leaders everywhere discover their own best way of developing others. Little by little I’m adding into the website, materials, documents, photos, quotes, ideas, drawings, etc….whatever might seem useful in that crucial process, from 1983 on. Almost 35 years of intense focus! I hope you can use it your own way, any way you like
Call to chat, or go deeper into any part, or more specifics, if you like
Below, dated 4/25 in a comment about “Being a Fast Study”, a capacity of value for leaders…. that’s been a part of my Leadership Learning Forum Process] LLFP] for years, we actually highlight a skill required today , perhaps more than ever. The same heightened perspective, in the next “blog” [6/7], referencing the Economist’s issue of 5/6 , focusing on “Data”, builds toward the same importance of knowledge and comfort, that many of us don’t have today, about the pace/scope of more “advancing technologies (AT)” than are in my current, 7 months old, list [Poster 444] Post 444 Tech Trends. I’m in discussions, exploration sessions, with clients/network contacts now, about these 13 [acknowledging there are others AT’s to consider – but this list seem more than enough to start for most of us – especially for emerging leaders], and how the 13 combine today with some select leadership capacities[ listed as A- E] that are often not fully operative in some organizations today.
Surely requires more dialogue. The need for which is clearly manifested by the implications referenced in the last blog [6/16] about “Neural Implants!
Post 15 Fast Study 14, all 16’s, 17
The low poster #, [15], indicates this is a long time Leadership Learning Forum Process basic topic! However its importance has increased substantially. It was just nice to be quick to assimilate information. Now its essential. For everyone. AND to be able to sort out, what you feel is irrelevant, just as fast. This poster covers c.45-60 minutes discussion in a leadership workshop. It’s amazing how many leaders don’t do the fundamentals well!! The first five bullet points are crucial. And it takes practice!!Luckily there are lots of materials today, every day, to practice on.
It does take intense concentration!!
There seem to be more, but ten is enough for me, now, to try understanding re. status, possibilities of both dangers and benefits, and time to local impact/use. Just 18-24 months ago some were clearly still “Science Fiction”, or @ best experimental. Now there is literature available almost every day, it seems, with some new additive research/application being reported. Folding in real thought and judgment about how/when to consider for actual project proposals is a new skill required , I believe of every Organizational Leader. This requires changes/expansion of relationship networks, reading habits, and openness of creative insights. A very big order, when combined with current loads and schedules!!
My current ten are: Advanced Artificial Intelligence, 3 D Printing, Drones, Implants, Wearables, Robotics, Virtual Reality, plus Augmented Reality, Driverless Cars/Captain-less Ships, and the Internet of Things……….
What are yours…and how will you look to apply???
I just, in the last blog was pushing the importance of “Breaking Smart” material, and now have another focus, at my highest personal priority of action for your very serious consideration:
The Millennium Project 2015-2016 State of the future Glenn & Florescu 978-0-9882639-2-5
At a minimum read the Amazon 5 star reviews [ only a few since it’s just out] to get a flavor. Well written, well organized, interesting & understandable charts, good stuff on 2050, and 15 Global challenges, all worth discussing in our LinkedIn Discussion Group. And in LLF’s. And by all genuine Leaders!
So far I’m very happy I bought it and have allocated time/energy to assimulating it, and infusing it into my 7th life phase, especially re. anticipating the kind of “Magic” forum participants need in the future!!