Some people do. I’m more used to my Lenovo and its features…… barely used the cell phone for chess, for client contact/answers, for inquiry. Its a ;earning process. will get more important/fundamental to everyone. Not just those growing up being dependent, in some form of “hand-held. The digitual word takes us there….hopefully I’ll be a fast creative user!!
Singularity Hub reported on 1/23/’20, that 5 Central Banks, [England, Canada, Japan, Sweden & The European Central Bank ]plus the Bank of International Settlements, have banded together to research central bank digital currencies. I’ve only read, a bit, about “Bitcoin” and it’s descendants or rivals and am feeling out of touch……..surely am prompted into understanding more! A classic response happening often these days of deep “disrupters”………Some of my network says I’m not alone on this quest!!
After posting the above note I emailed a dozen or so “like thinkers”. Many have responded. The reply by one “author” is posted under “comments”
A long standing client ask me to speak with their leadership team, exploring “StrenghtsFinders” [SF], with the real purpose of knowing more about their own habits/traits/attitudes, and hopefully insights about their effectiveness. We covered a bit about “profiling” in general, but went in depth, with follow-up suggestions for their focus on SF. In my opinion/experience, it’s by far the best….broadest, deepest, with lots of literature available for further examination/application to their work requirements, and to their life!
Upon returning home I dug out my file and multiple books to begin studying again. Very useful.There is still much to improve/fix and tons to learn yet, even though I had believed I was an “expert” of sorts. Actually is something I should have been doing anyways and will follow up, in the mentoring I do there, with 8-10 leaders
A longtime friend, Allan Alter, used to be editor @ DataMation, and also spoke for me @ several Leadership Learning Forums. He accepted a position @ WEF to study/forecast the not yet much talked about Artificial Intelligence. Of course the study focus spread, linking to more of today’s disruptive trends. The resulting document goes to Davos in Jan., 2020, then more public [not available to me or most of us yet]. But much is reviewable, and provocative on WEF’s website -[ go there please and ponder the impact on you/yourposition]………… including….AI… Future jobs [displace 75 million, create 133 million] ….digital surveillance…….personalized education…..Board level responsibility….focus in China…..etc. Much to adjust for…….
wef’s website
TED just published a talk [ I read them/listen, regularly] about reading slow, with your finger under each word, like we were all taught in our early lives never to do anymore. So I’ve tried. In certain situations..For awhile. Powerful. Stunning. Have I missed something key?? Could this spread to other situations? Well…we’ll move onto more complex trials or experiments with this idea….not predetermined as important, nor as pithy
Stay tuned…There is also a lot more on this perspective, connected to the talk!!…to follow/learn on your own…….
As part of my current focus on this website, I’ve added a new section “Access”…….attempting to show how I’ve made available, an increasing amount of my materials, to select network members. Also will include plans to continuing expanding and updating. Plus providing a process of connecting to the other few who have that access. Please call or email me directly, if you’d benefit from that.
Often it seems to me, the general press offers little but problems/ conflicts/negative views of mankind’s capacities or history. Of course part of the explanation is that it “sells better”……we want to hear/read it, apparently, so we get it! But I believe I’d prefer a a balance with more up-lifting events, trends, perspectives. For example, in Japan, physically disabled individuals now are hired to work with robots via eye tracking, engaging directly with patients and earning a useful wage! OR….Alpha Zero can now teach itself to play multiple games, freeing up experts to focus more on strategy, and thereby learning more about how human think!!.
There are many!!! So this provoked me to review critically, again, everything I read/subscribe to/ watch often/ check on my desktop screen… my whole “in-box” so to speak… might it change now…what other ways can I learn, keep up to speed or free myself up from old less useful habits??
I will ask many of you directly what is your experience/plan here……
It’s sometimes easy to conclude that our overall news sources/outlets, and the many audiences affected, disproportionately absorb or get focused on negative news. We all may be part of this tendency @ times. I believe, allowing that tendency to dis-balance”too much”, is detrimental to our potential of creativity, forward progress, and individual /group fulfillment. The current pace of change, especially based on technologies now available, or expanding in front of us, does seem overwhelming in its possibilities. Like fire or water…..very powerfully capable of surpassing our ability to control or harness. We might choose fear, ignorance or in-action………..or move into realization, preparedness, & collaboration. Yes, I believe that choice is harder work
I believe it was Peter Drucker who said…”The best way to deal with the future is to create it yourself”. On this site, and in our remaining life, we will tend to do that, understanding both positive and negative, and applying ourselves , our counsel, throughout our full network of connections, as best we can!!
More to come………
Analytics, or Data Mining, or Data Sciences have been elusive targets in many I.T. organizations for sometime. Often defined by whoever is leading the focus/search, in each situation. Consensus in the marketplace , or the literature is even more elusive. The latest issue of Barron’s doesn’t settle that uncertainty. but surely allows some to feel they are in the “lead”…. or have the right to “teach”. I’m told Boston University will provide 5 courses next year, for CIO’s who want to understand more about this growing area of exploration. I intend to make it a personal quest to find more, hopefully definitively…who will lead the courses, how might they differ, what might be expected learning output, what is the curriculum and format…….hopefully enough to share with those interested
Just a month or so ago I blogged [below] my view re. this book’s importance and ordered a copy to mark up….a”learning technique” that works for me———underlining… using arrows from one thought/expression to another…bending pages in several ways for quick reference….. making my own marginal notations. etc., etc. Am now doing so happily…and also proud that I was “early”, publicly, pushing that evaluation….for all the reasons stated below. But now, because IT IS worth every bit of my time/energy, reading fully…carefully. I am clear already about the value to me of re-reading it several more times. I will add it to my “core book” list – covered as part of the Master Book List for Leadership Learning Forums, on this website. Max Tegmark is very optimistic, while being deeply aware of the challenges and un -certaincy we face. His last sentence says it all…..”Our future isn’t written in stone, just waiting to happen to us—-it’s ours to create. Let’s create an inspiring one together”
I hope using the protected part of this website will help some do that!!
“Life 3.0 Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” Max Tegmark 9781101946596
The title an the tag line caught my attention. As did people whom I respect giving it high praise [ Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil]. The author’s background and current position/work environment. The tale of contents, with a short summary @ the end of each chapter, and many teaching graphs/illustrations of key ideas/perspectives. My full skimming and selective reading, found tons of leadership capacities/maturities. It’s not an easy read. Only a piece @ a time…so I’ve returned the library copy and have ordered my own to mark up/reread carefully
Garry Kasparov, the legendary Russian chess master , who will be remembered for losing to IBM’s Deep Blue [ more than anything else he’s done, as he acknowledges in this book], shares with us a remarkable life dedicated to chess. And then moving beyond its highest levels, to understanding a lot about Artificial Intelligence & where it could/should go. In fact, it may be, against the background of his life…and chess champion dominance, interspersed with the history of computers in chess, and interacting now with advanced AI, I’ve learned more from his writing, than from any other source. AI /Advanced AI/both futures/the ultimate capacity/role of the Human race are all much in the literature today
“Deep Thinking” – Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins Garry Kasparov 978-1-61039-786-5
Enjoy it.