Nov 12

On 11/7 @ Cantigny in a return presentation: GenM – A Deeper Dive, Truls Henriksen covered again his review of the literature, and we held a brainstorming exercise on  how to respond to this deepening trend…how to “embrace it” rather than lament it! This was an assignment for all participants from two organizations “Commencing” their internal  LLF there. We will follow up to capture as many of the ideas/comments as possible, to continue this exploration. It’s a major issue everywhere I am.

Your insights, & suggested tactics are welcome

Oct 10

36 of us shared ideas, techniques and plans for internal Leadership Learning  Forums, using the historically  powerful First Division Museum @ Cantigny, outside Chicago, for the third time. Very provocative talks , tours, &  breakouts. Nine presentations,  plus 13 client leaders with short topics, or views presented from the audience, along with my stream of comments  and context, made for a unique learning experience for all. The materials posted ahead of the forum, and several since added, are all available to clients, under Cantigny, under materials 2012

Jul 31

I’ve been talking about these everywhere. Like some of us wished everyone agreed to, years ago……. but now are indisputable, if a little annoying to some outside of I.T.  However the challenge of living up to, and surpassing expectations with these trends [ CHECK HERE  -posted under Cantigny where we’ ll talk about it more],  is still there , surely so for all my clients, and I believe everywhere.  The list may not be complete, but it’s surely enough!!

Jul 22

This year we will not give out any notebooks @ the session, nor any handouts from those presenting. All materials will be posted to this website under Cantigny, under “Materials 2012”. and I will ask all attendees to bring their laptops/tablets/handhelds – whatever –  to follow the agenda, take notes, search for other referenced materials, etc.

This experimental use of technologys, for us, will be different for many but is more appropriate now, in my mind, to the kind of session I have always run….i.e., intense interaction, with many new views & ideas, provoking lots of off-line follow-up!!

Get the password from me to review materials for 2012 as they are being posted now, and for 2011 also, as we retrieve them.

Jul 15

On  7/12/12, General Hal Nelson U.S.Army [Ret.] lead a dialogue about our upcoming  third forum @ Cantigny, hosted by The McCormick Foundation, 10/1-2/12. His slides and other materials are available in my website. Many of the participants on the call,  had been to previous sessions and articulated the value to/impact on them! The importance of preparation [ pre-reading], and the deeper insights acquired by those who attended a 2nd or 3rd time, and the fact that Cantigny is so rich/diverse/large in scope and history, that whatever you need to learn about leadership….. it’s already there!  And will be clear as the session unfolds!!  All were emphasized. A truly unique learning experience!!! Join in with us to contribute and to grow.

Jun 16

On 6/14, as referenced below, we discussed complexity,and sweeping continual change, and their impact on current challenges in I.T. today [see “Horizontals”  below also] . There was a very relevant dialogue about “Ethics”  in all our careers. Also about preparing for “The Signularity”[ i.e., having a learning plan]. And about the professional value of TDG, Inc’s  Cross Industry Field Trips, e.g., Normandy , Gettysburg, Cantigny  [ next 10/1-2].

Join us on 7/12 to understand more about the unique benefit of our next Cantigny Forum.

A relevant ? for everyone… with such sweeping & continual change, what doesn’t change for you??

Oct 10

Our LLF @ Cantigny 10/4-5/11 was spectacularly successful for every one of the 27 attendees/speakers/facilitators. Their feedback was extraordinarily positive, &  appreciative. That’s always been the case@ Cantigny though every session is different. Go to the tab above for more detail. I’ll put up some of the attendees comments re. value.We plan to return next October 2-4, 2012. Pencil it in, please. And make your own comments please to this blog if you were there

The two photos below show some of the ongoing interaction there!

A break-out session of Cantigny LLF’ers


Henry Givray delivering the ending keynote talk on leadership @ Cantigny

Oct 09

Craig Allen, a Forum graduate, now with Total Wine, Inc., will speak of his work combining his passion which was & is a long standing hobby, and earning a living/following his career path. We can all learn from this perspective in today’s intense work environments. He will be joined by several others of the same persuasion,

And I’ll comment very briefly on the LLF just held @ Cantigny [ see the below post or the above tab]

Oct 01

After almost 30 virtual LLF 2.0 calls, I am returning to the “traditional”  process of meeting on a special site, with a small very select, commonly interested, set of forum graduates or clients. General Hal Nelson and I have used these facilities before to help us all focus on new leadership perspectives and processes, in today ‘s more challenging situations.   It’s stunning to me, through I’ve done this for 28 + years, how much care/preparation/speaker pre briefing/agenda placement, etc., it takes, to do it right. I  think it will show. It’s clearly something I love doing

Click on “Cantigny” above, & then “materials” for some info. Come if you can. Or just connect with me one way or another, please!

May 29

Things I See

This has been an oft requested short presentation to my retainer clients. The perspective being that I was in 20-30 organizations ever year and running sessions with hundreds attending.  So…. even if I didn’t know the answers, I knew what leaders were worrying/asking/pondering about.

I am traveling less now, but interacting more, either by phone or electronically.  Here is my current list. Each point sometimes takes an hour or more of intense dialogue when used as a discussion framework. I plan to do a video on my website for each one, overtime- two minutes or so long, i.e.,-crisp & relevant- every other week or so!

Do come to interact….leaving a comment, suggestion, or alternate view!


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