This book list has evolved over the years of designing, generating, and implementing, perhaps c. 300 Forums of various kinds that I have run, or helped run, (internal clients for themselves, SIM/RLF’s, TDG/LLF’s). It gets reviewed once or twice a year now. There are still errors to be found with every new issue or update. CRITERIA FOR BOOK SELECTION/REPLACEMENT (See #218 in posters) -These same criteria should also be used for replacing articles, speakers, exercises, tours, activities, in any LL process:
- Does it integrate – does it fit with all the others in multiple ways?
- Is it currently relevant – now into the 21st century i.e., present and near future?
- What is its contribution to participant’s breadth and growth – does it stretch, open us to new areas/dimensions, is it controversial in a constructive way?
- Does it have high probability of impact towards core objectives for many participants?
- Has it been recommended multiple times or has it worked in several separate sessions?
- Does it have high reference potential i.e., in the integrating/syn-topical effort (see relevant integrating themes #109, 162 in posters)? Does it fit into the root system under the lily pad?
- The selection of any new element must consider the holistic set i.e., can more be added (i.e., load), or is it good enough to replace something else? What?
- It must contain some core/generic/enduring truth. Will it be an anchoring experience for some?
KEY DISCUSSION POINTS for selection/replacement of all architectural elements [i.e., same as for a book change]:
- Not just “it’s a good one”.
- Most people don’t integrate, or even link as a work/leadership habit. Creative, clever, repetition of the importance of this linkage between books is essential.
- This “fit” is artful and more of a fundamental element of success than appears to be the case, initially, to most facilitators/participants.
- It’s not a “committee” process. Nor is it a new, or “start up” process for each new LLF.
- Many effective LLF’s can be made up using of some different books or architectural elements, but they are never just a collage or montage, of personal favorites.
CODES *** R.E.Dooley “core” and integrating books -23- [ #290]
** Should be included if possible -31 These two groups together form the CURRENT TDG Inc. Leadership Series CORE SET, of 54 books
* Has been used successfully
O Hard to get/Maybe out of print
S Summary available
INTEGRATING 1-25 CORE BOOKS 26-75 BEEN USED SUCCESSFULLY 76–400 ALTERNATIVE LITERATURE (including Children’s) 401-500 Some books belong in several categories
1.*** | How to Read a Book, Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren ISBN 0-671-21209-5 |
SA2.*** | Principle Centered Leadership, Steven R. Covey ISBN 0671-79280-6 |
S3.*** | The New State of the World Atlas, 4th Edition, Michael Kidron & Ronald Segal ISBN 0-14-025204-5 |
O4. *** | The Management of Time, James T. McCay ISBN 0135488915 |
SA5.*** | The Pearl, John Steinbeck ISBN 0-140-17737-X |
S6*** | Leadership and the New Science, Margaret J. Wheatley ISBN 1576751198 |
OS7.*** | The Lessons of Experience, McCall, Lombardo & Morrison ISBN 0-669-18095-5 |
A8.*** | Healing and the Mind, Bill Moyers ISBN 0385476876 |
9.*** | Two Old Women – An Alaska Legend of Betrayal, Courage and Survival, Velma Wallis ISBN 0060975849 |
SA10. *** | The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge ISBN 0385260954 |
SA11.*** | The Education of Little Tree, Forrest Carter ISBN 0-8263-0879-1 |
SA12.*** | Leadership Is An Art, Max DePree ISBN 0-440-50324-8 |
O13.*** | Magic Eye – A New Way of Looking at the World, N.E. Thing Enterprises ISBN 0836270444 |
S14.*** | The Nibble Theory & The Kernel of Power, Kaleel Jamison ISBN 0-8091-2621-4 |
SA15.*** | The Art of War, Sun Tzu – translated by Thomas Cipary ISBN 0-87773-452-6 |
16.*** | Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl ISBN 0671023373 |
17.** | As a Man Thinketh, James Allen ISBN 0-89471-714-6 |
S18.*** | The Leadership Moment, Michael Useem ISBN 0-8129-2935-7 |
19.** | Endurance – Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing ISBN 0785708425 |
20.*** | The Theft Of The Spirit, Dr. Carl Hammerschlag ISBN 0-671-780239 |
SA/V26** | Zapp – The Lightning of Empowerment, William C. Byham ISBN 0447002829 |
OS27.** | The Path of the Everyday Hero, Tarcher, Lorna Catford & Michael Ray ISBN 0-87477-630-9 |
28.** | You Don’t Have to Go Home from Work Exhausted – The Energy Engineering Approach, Ann McGee-Cooper ISBN 0-553-37061-8 |
29.** | Compact Classics Volume 1 – Book Summaries of the Classics ISBN 188018401X |
OS30.** | Future Edge. Joel Arthur Baker ISBN 0-688-10936-5 |
OS31.** | Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will, Tichy & Sherman ISBN 0-88730-670-5 |
32.** | The Lilies of the Field, William E. Barrett ISBN 0-446-31500-1 |
33.** | The Wisdom of Teams, Katzenback & Smith ISBN 0-88730-676-4 |
O34.*** | Seven Ways of Knowing – Teaching for Multiple Intelligences, David Lazear ISBN 0-932935-39-7 |
35.** | Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman ISBN 0553375067 |
A36. ** | Leadership Jazz, Max DePree ISBN 0-440-50518-6 |
O37.** | Typetalk, Kroeger & Thiesen ISBN 0-385-298285 |
38.** | Ishmael, Daniel Quinn ISBN 0553375407 |
S39.** | The Age of Unreason, Charles Handy ISBN 0875843018 |
40.** | The Heart Aroused, David Whyte ISBN 0385484186 |
O41.** | Leaders, Fools, and Imposters, Manfred Kets de Vries ISBN 1-55542-562-3 |
42.** | The Prince, Machiavelli ISBN 0553212788 |
43.** | Oh, The Places You’ll Go!, Dr. Seuss – The great balancing act – life itself and the ups and downs it presents ISBN 0-679-80527-3 |
O44.** | Five Great Dialogues, Plato |
45.** | The Little Book of Juggling, Richard Dingman ISBN 1-56138-419-4 |
S46.** | The Leaders Companion, Insights on Leadership Through the Ages, J. Thomas Wren ISBN 0028740912 |
47.** | The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara ISBN 0-345-40727-X |
S48.** | Certain Trumpets, The Nature of Leadership, Garry Wills ISBN0-684-80138-8 |
49** | The Art of the Long View, Peter Schwartz ISBN 0-385-26732-0 |
50** | Getting to Yes, Roger Fisher, William Dry & Bruce Patton ISBN 0140157362 |
51.** | Leadership Without Easy Answers, Ronald E. Heifetz ISBN 0-674-51858-6 |
S52** | Beyond Certainty – The Changino Worlds of Organizations, Charles Handy ISBN 0-8758-4763-3 |
53.** | Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, William Bridges ISBN 0-201-55073-3 |
54.** | Blur, Christopher Meyer and Stan Davis ISBN 0446675334 |
55.** | Synchronicity – The Inner Path of Leadership, Joseph Jaworski ISBN 1-881052-94-X |
56.** | The Lexus and the Olive Tree – Understanding Globalization, Thomas L. Friedman ISBN 0385499345 |
III. | BOOKS THAT HAVE BEEN USED SUCCESSFULLY in Some Forum (i.e., when judged against the eight criteria in A). |
S76.* | Close to the Customer, James H. Donnelly ISBN 1-55623-569-0 |
77.* | Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Criteria 1996 – NIST(301/975-2036) or ASQC (800/248-1946) |
78.* | Thinkertoys; A Handbook of Business Creativity for the ’90s, Michael Michalko ISBN 0-89815-408-1 |
79.* | Maverick, Ricardo Semler ISBN 0-446-67055-3 |
80.* | Open to Question – The Art of Teaching and Learning by Inquiry, Walter L. Bateman ISBN 1-55542-268-3 |
81* | The Fourth Wave – Business in the 21″ Century, Maynard & Mehrtens ISBN 1-57675-002-7 |
82* | The Road Ahead, Bill Gates ISBN 0-140-26040-4 |
S83* | The Smart Manager’s Book of Lists – A Collection of Management Wisdom, Bill Keddin, Lake Publishing ISBN 0-8224-4459-3 |
84* | The Articulate Executive, Improving Written, Interpersonal, and Group Communication, Harvard Business Review 1 ISBN 0-87584-433-2 |
85* | 2020 Vision, Stan Davis & Bill Davidson ISBN 0-671-73237-4 |
S86* | The Adventures of a Self Managing Team, Mark Kelly ISBN 1-882133-02-1 |
S87* | Mavericks, Donald W. Blohowiak ISBN 1-55623-624-7 |
S88* | Non-Manipulative Selling, Alessandra, Wexler & Barrera ISBN 06-7176448-9 |
89.* | Technopoly, Neil Postman ISBN 0679745408 |
90* | Managing with Power, Jeffrey Pfeffer ISBN 0-87584-440-5 |
91.*-. | The Elements of Style, William Strunie, J.R. & E.B. White, MacMillan ISBN 0-02-4182206 |
A92* | The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, Senge et al ISBN 0385260954 |
A93* | The Chalice & the Blade, Riane Eisler ISBN 0-06-250289-1 |
94* | Creativity and Innovation in Information Systems Organizations, J. Daniel Couger ISBN 0-7895-0109-0 |
95* | Understanding Organizations, Fourth Edition, Charles Handy ISBN 0195087321 |
96* | Built to Last, James C. Collins & Jerry 1. Porras |
S97.* | Workforce 2000, U.S. Department of Labor NO ISBN (Order from U.S. Department of Labor or Hudson Institute) |
98.* | Competing for the Future, Hamel & Prahalad |
A99.* | A Whack on the Side of the Head, Warner Books, Roger von Oech ISBN 0446391581/0446778087 |
A100.* | Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus, John Gray, Ph.D. ISBN 0-06-016848-X |
A101. * | Marketing Warfare, Reis & Trout ISBN 0-452-25861-8 |
102.* | Body Language, Julius Fast ISBN 0671673254 |
103* | What Really Matters, Searching For Wisdom In America, Tony Schwartz ISBN 0-553-09398-3 |
104.* | Instructions to the Cook – A Zen Master’s Lessons in Living a Life That Matters, Bernard Glassman & Rick Fields ISBN 0-517-70377-7 |
105.* | Healing Ceremonies, Carl A. Hammerschalg ISBN 0-399-52358-8 |
106.* | Black Elk Speaks, John G. Neihardt (Flaming Rainbow) ISBN 0-8032-8359-8 |
S107.* | A Force for Change, John Kotter |
108.* | High-Velocity Culture Change, Pritchett & Pound |
109.* | Global Paradox: The Bigger the World Economy, The More Powerful Its Small Players, John Naisbitt ISBN 0-688-12791-6 |
A110.* | That’s Not What I Meant! How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships, Deborah Tannen ISBN 0-345-34090-6 |
S111.* | Learning a Living, A SCANS Report for America 2000 – U.S. Department of Labor – Sec. Comm. on Achieving Necessary Skills (800/788-SKILL) |
112.* | Kaizen – The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success, Masaaki Imai ISBN 0-07-554332-X |
113.* | Toward an Information Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, The Aspen Institute ISBN 0-89843-172-7 |
A114.* | You Just Don’t Understand, Deborah Tannen ISBN 0-345-37205-0 |
115.* | The Age of Paradox, Charles Handy ISBN 0-87584-425-1 |
116.* | Skills for Success, Soundview Editorial Staff, Executive Book Summaries |
A117.* | Chaos, James Gleick ISBN 0140092501 |
118.* | The Transformational Leader, Noel Tichey & Mary Ann DaVanna ISBN 0471623342 |
119.* | Frames of Mind, Howard Gardner ISBN 0465025102 |
A120.* | The Japan That Could Say No, Shinatro Ishihara, Simon & Schuster ISBN 0671758536 |
A121.* | The Memory Jogger Plus +, Michael Brassward ISBN 1879364026 |
A122.* | Managing for the Future, the 1990’s and Beyond, Peter Drucker ISBN 0-525-93414-6 |
123.* | The Team Handbook, Peter R. Scholtes ISBN 0962226408 |
A124.* | Power! How to get it, How to use it, Michael Korda ISBN 0-345-346-327 |
A125.* | The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson, M.D. ISBN 0880006766 |
126.* | The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler ISBN 0-553-24415-9 |
127.* | Mentoring at Work – Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life, Kathy E. Kram ISBN 0-819-6755-X |
128.* | Blue Magic, James Chyrosky & Ted Leonsis ISBN 0-8160-1391-8 |
A129.* | Do What You Love – The Money Will Follow, Marsha Sinetar ISBN 0440501601 |
130.* | Future Perfect, Stanley M. Davis ISBN 0201517930 |
A131.* | The Secrets of Consulting – A Guide to Giving & Getting Advise Successfully, Gerald M. Weinberg ISBN 0-932633-01-3 |
132.* | Leaders – The Strategies for Taking Charge, Warren Bennis & Burt Nanus ISBN 0060913363 |
133.* | Understanding Europeans, Stuart Miller ISBN 0945465777 |
A134.* | Please Understand Me – Character & Temperment Types, Keirsey & Bates ISBN 0960695400 |
135.* | How to Manage Your Boss, Christopher Hegarty with Philip Goldberg ISBN 0-89256-142-4 |
136.* | The Plateauing Trap – How to Avoid It, In Your Career, and Your Life, Judith M. Bardwick ISBN 0814458718 |
137.* | No Contest, The Case Against Competition, Alfie Kohn ISBN 0395631254 |
138.* | The Deming Management Method, Mary Walten ISBN 0399-550011 |
139.* | The Nine Nations of North America, Joel Garreau ISBN 0380578859 |
140.* | Corporate Cultures, Deal and Kennedy ISBN 0-201-10287-0 |
A141.* | Megatrends 2000, Naisbitt and Aburdene ISBN 0446329223/0880704374 |
A142.* | The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey ISBN 0671708635 |
A143.* | The Soul of a New Machine, Tracy Kidder ISBN 03807115X |
A144.* | Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Richard Bach ISBN 0380012863 |
A145.* | The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav ISBN 0688084028 |
146.* | The Information Mosaic, Sharon M. McKinnon and William J. Bruns, Jr. ISBN 0-87584-317-4 |
147*. | On Becoming a Leader, Warren Bennis, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1989 ISBN 0201409291 |
148.* | The Power of Followership: How to Create Leaders People Want to Follow and Followers Who Lead Themselves, Robert Kelley, Doubleday-Currency, 1992 ISBN 0385413068 |
149.* | Fifth Generation Management, Charles M. Savage ISBN 0-13-309428-6 |
150.* | Hero Z – Empower Yourself, Your Coworkers, Your Company, William C. Byham, Ph.D. & Jeff Cox ISBN 0-517-59860-4 |
151.* | How to Improve Your Memory, James D. Weinland ISBN 0-06-097038 |
152.* | The Executive Deskbook, Auren Uris Library of Congress Cat. -75-111966 ISBN 0-44-28798-9 |
153.* | Information Anxiety, Richard Saul Wurman ISBN 0-385-24394-4 |
154.* | Humor Power – How to Get It, Give It, and Gain, Herb True ISBN 0-385-14618-3 |
155.* | Transformation, J.G. Bennett ISBN 0-934254-04-4 |
156.* | The Sense of Wonder, Rachel Carson – The Nature Company, The Yolla Bolly Press, Covelo, California ISBN 0060914505 |
157.* | Career Veer – How To Position Yourself for a Prosperous Future, Willia, C. Houze ISBN 0-07-030482-3 |
158.* | American Renaissance – Our Life at the Turn of the 21st Century, Marvin Cetron & Owen Davies ISBN 0-312-05050-X |
159.* | Fumbling the Future – How Xerox Invented Then Ignored the First Personal Computer, Smith & Alexander ISBN 0-688-09511-9 |
160.* | The Northbound Train, Karl Albrecht ISBN 0-8144-0233-X |
161.* | Influence Without Authority, Cohen & Bradford ISBN 0-471-54894-4 |
162.* | The Nine American Lifestyles, Arnold Mitchell ISBN 0-02-585310-4 |
163.* | An Invented Life – Reflections on Leadership and Change, Warren Bennis ISBN 0-201-62714-0 |
A164.* | The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff ISBN 0-14-006747-7 |
A165.* | Tao Te Ching, Lao Tse ISBN 0-679-72434-6 |
A166.* | The Goal, Eliyahu Goldratt ISBN 0-88427-061-0 |
167.* | Never Confuse a Memo With Reality, Richard Moran ISBN 0-88730-669-1 |
168.* | Toyota Production System, Yasuhiro Monden ISBN 0-898016-126-6 |
169.* | The Machine That Changed the World – The Story of Lean Production, Womack, Jones, Roos ISBN 0-07-554332-X |
170.* | TECHNOTRENDS – How to Use Technology to Go Beyond Your Competition, Daniel Burrus ISBN 0887307000 |
171.* | Mary Parker Follett – Prophet of Management, A Celebration of Writings from the 1920s, Edited by Pauline Graham ISBN 0875845630 |
A172.* | First Things First, Stephen R. Covey ISBN 0684802031 |
A173.* | The Bridges of Madison County, Robert James Waller ISBN 0-446-51652-X |
174.* | How to Motivate People – The Team Strategy for Success, Fran Tarkenton ISBN 0-06-15543-4 |
175.* | The Heart of Business – Ethics, Power & Philosophy, Peter Koestenbaum ISBN 0-933071-15-9 |
176.* | A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawkings |
177.* | Lincoln on Leadership, Phillips ISBN 0-446-39459-9 |
178.* | The Paradox Principles, Bill Dauphinais and Paul Pederson ISBN 0-7863-0499-5 |
179.* | The Balanced Scorecard, Kaplan & Norton ISBN 0-87584-651-3 |
180.* | The Open Mind, Dawna Markova ISBN 1-57324-064-8 |
181.* | The Gutenberg Elegies, Sven Birkerts ISBN 0-449-91009-1 |
182.* | Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership, Howard Gardner with Emma Laskin |
183.* | The Living Company, Arie de Geus |
184.* | The Boundaryless Organization, ISBN 0-878424-11-4 |
185.* | The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deeprak Chopra ISBN 1-878424-11-4 |
186.* | Artful Work, Dick Richards ISBN 1-881052-63-X |
187.* | Conceptual Blockbusting, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, by James L. Adams ISBN 0201100894/0318602016 |
A188.* | A Kick in the Seat of the Pants, Perennial Library, by Roger Von Oech ISBN 0060960248 |
189.* | Lateral Thinking, Harper & Row, by Edward de Bono ISBN 0060903252 |
190.* | Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Jeremy P. Archer, by Betty Edwards ISBN 0874775132 |
191.* | The Care and Feeding of Ideas – A Guide to Encouraging Creativity, James L. Adams ISBN 0201100878 |
192.* | New Think – Basic, Edward de Bono ISBN 0-380-01426-2 |
A193.* | One Minute for Myself, Spencer Johnson, M.D. ISBN 0-380-70308-4 |
194.* | First You Have to Row a Little Boat, Richard Bode ISBN 0-446-67003-0 |
195.* | Silicon Snake Oil, Clifford Stoll ISBN 03854199545 |
196.* | Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff … and it’s all small stuff, Richard Carlson, M.D. ISBN 0786881852 |
197.* | What Did You Say, Seashore and Weinberg ISBN 0-924771-33-X |
198.* | The Great White Lie, Walt Bogdancek ISBN 0-671-68452-3 |
199.* | An Unused Intelligence, Dawna Markova ISBN 0-943233-976 |
200.* | The Tao of Time, Hunt & Hall ISBN 0-671-73411-3 |
201.* | What Are Your Goals, Gary Ryan Blair ISBN 1-56912-096-X |
202.* | My Ishmael, Daniel Quinn |
203.* | A Handbook of Living Religions, Edited by John R. Himmells ISBN 0-14-013599-5 |
A204.* | Bible |
205.* | Book of Mormon |
A/V206.* | The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams ISBN 0-385-07725-4 |
207.* | The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein ISBN 0-06-025665-6 |
A/V208.* | The Little Engine That Could, Watty Piper ISBN 0-448-40520-2 |
209.* | The Bhagavad Gita, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada |
210.* | Tai Chi Classics, Waysun Liao ISBN 0-87773-531-X |
211.* | On Man in the Universe, Aristotle |
212.* | Book One of the Belgarian Pawn of Prophecy, David Eddings ISBN 0-345-33551-1 |
213.* | Orbiting the Giant Hairball, A Corporate Fool’s Guide to Surviving With Grace, Gordon MacKenzie ISBN 0-670-87983-5 |
214.* | High Output Management, Andrew S. Grove ISBN 0-394-72827-0 |
215.* | Odyssey: Pepsi to Applie, Scully with Byrne ISBN 0-06-091527-7 |
216.* | In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work & Power – Basic Books, Shoshana Zuboff ISBN 0-465-03211-7 |
A217.* | The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck ISBN 0-671-25067-1 |
218.* | The Rubaiyat of Omar Khazzan, ISBN 0-14-600095-1 |
219.* | The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories, O. Henry ISBN 0-48-627061-0 |
220.* | The Discipline of Market Leaders – NOW EXPANDED, Michael Treacy and Fred Wierman ISBN 0-201-40719-1 |
221.* | Beyond Reengineering, Michael Hammer ISBN 0-88730-729-9 |
222.* | The Leadership Engine, Noel Tichy ISBN 0-88730-793-0 |
223.* | Working With Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman ISBN 0553378589 |
224.* | Customer Service, Fred Wiersema ISBN 0-88730-772-8 |
225.* | The Man Who Would Not Be Defeated, W. Mitchell ISBN 1-56796-026-X |
226.* | Five-Star Leadership – The Art and Strategy of Creating Leaders at Every Level, Townsend & Gebhardt ISBN 0-471-01288-2 |
S227.* | Intelligence Reframed – Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century, Howard Gardner ISBN 0-465-02610-9 |
228.* | Standing for Something, Gordon B. Hinckley ISBN 0609807250 |
229.* | The Roaring 2000’s, Harry S. Dent Jr. ISBN 0-684-85310-8 |
230.* | The Work of Nations, Robert Reich ISBN 0-679-73615-8 |
S231.* | Paradigms, Joel Arthur Barker ISBN 0-88730-647-0 |
232.* | The Attention Economy – Understanding the New Currency of Business, Thomas H. Davenport ISBN 1-57851-441-X |
233.* | Consultative Selling – The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels, Mark Hanan ISBN 0-8144-0503-7 |
234.* | The Social Life of Information, Brown & Duguid ISBN 0-87584-762-5 |
235.* | Blown to Bits – How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy, Evans & Wurstel ISBN 0-87-584-877-X |
236.* | How High Impact Leaders Communicate – Powerful Conversations, Phil Harkins ISBN 0-07-135321-6 |
237.* | The Cluetrain Manifesto – the End of Business as Usual, Lewis, Locke, Searls, Weinberger ISBN 0-7382-0431-5 |
238.* | Leading the Revolution, Gary Hamel ISBN 1-57851-189-5 |
239.* | What to Do When it Rains, Vol. 1: A Handbook for Leaders in Crisis, Toni Lynn Chinoy ISBN 1-929910-03-7 |
S240.* | Crossing the Chasm – Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers, Geoffrey A. Moore ISBN 0-06-662002-3 |
241.* | Dr, Deming, Rafael Aguayo ISBN 0-671-74621-9 |
242.* | Inside the Tornado, Geoffrey A. Moore ISBN 0-88730-824-4 |
243.* | The Employers Legal Handbook, Steingold |
244.* | Total Customer Service – The Ultimate Weapon, William H. Davidow & Bro Utal ISBN 0-06-092009-2 |
245.* | Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations, Steven L. Goldman, Roger N. Nagel, Kenneth Preiss ISBN 0-442-01903-3 |
246.* | Birth of the Chaordic Age, Dee Hock ISBN 1-57675-074-4 |
247.* | Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life, Spencer Johnson ISBN 0399144463 |
248.* | The Manager’s Pocket Guide to Generation X, Bruce Tulgan ISBN 0-87425-418-3 |
249.** | Teach Your Child How to Think, Edward de Bono ISBN 0-14-023830-1 |
A250.** | The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield ISBN 0446671002 |
251.** | Moments of Truth, Jan Carlzon ISBN 0-88730-200-9 |
252.** | Mutant Message Down Under, Marlo Morgan ISBN 0-06-092631-7 |
253.* | Transitions, William Bridges ISBN 0-201550733 |
O254.* | Leadership: The Inner Side of Greatness – A Philosophy for Leaders, Peter Koestenbaum ISBN 1-55542-218-7 |
255.* | About Learning, McCarthy ISBN 0-9608992-6-X |
A/V256.* | The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint Exupery – – Friendship (networking) ISBN 0156012197 |
A257.* | Stone Soup, Marcia Brown – Create something from nothing; group to add to the creation ISBN 0-684-92296-7 |
S258.* | The Dancing Healers, Dr. Carl Hammerschlag ISBN 0-06-250395-2 |
259.** | Managing at the Speed of Change, Daryl R. Connor ISBN 0-679-40684-0 |
260.** | The HP Way – How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company, David Packard ISBN 0887308171 |
261.** | Topgrading, Bradford Smart ISBN 0-7352-0049-1 |
262.** | Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom ISBN 0-385-48451-8 |
263.** | The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen ISBN 0066620694 |
264.** | Stress for Success, James A. Loehr ISBN 0812930098 |
265.* | Competitive Advantage Through People, Jeffrey Pfeffer ISBN 0-87584-413-8 |
A266.* | Six Thinking Hats, Edward de Bono ISBN 0316177911 |
267.* | Results-Based Leadership, Dave Ulrich, Jack Zenger & Norm Smallwood ISBN 0-87584-871-0 |
268.* | Measure Up! How to Measure Corporate Performance (second edition), Richard L. Lynch & Kelvin Cross ISBN 1-55786-718-6 |
269.* | Smart Business, Dr. Jim Botkin ISBN 0-684-85024-9 |
270.* | Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg, Jay Luvaas & Harold W. Nelson ISBN 0-7006-0686-6 |
271.* | Billy Budd, Herman Melville ISBN 0-671-73144-0 |
IV. | Useful (Referenced or used in part.) |
301. | The Tao of Power, Leo Tzu’s Classic Guide to Leadership, Influence & Excellence, R.L. Wing ISBN 0-385-19637-7 |
A302. | How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Faber & Mazlist ISBN 0-380-57000-9 |
303. | What America Does Right, Robert H. Waterman ISBN 0452273765 |
304. | Quality is Personal – A Foundation for Total Quality Management, Harry V. Roberts, Bernard F. Sergesketter ISBN 0029266254 |
A305. | Quality is Free, Philip Crosby ISBN 0451625854 |
306. | Appraising Performance Appraisal, Harvard Business Review, Reprint Series ISBN 0071033297/0875842690 |
307. | 1999 The World of Tomorrow, Selections from the Futurist ISBN 0930545041 |
A308. | Parkinsons Law, C. Northcote Parkinson ISBN 0345-300645 |
309. | The Peter Principle, Dr. Laurence J. Peter ISBN 0-553-24415-9 |
310. | Games People Play, Eric Berne, M.D. ISBN 0345-327195 |
A311. | I’m Okay, You’re Okay, Thomas Harris ISBN 038000772-X |
312. | In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies, Peters & Waterman ISBN 0446385077 |
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