As I cover in my essay bios [click here for the regular essay bio…, and then here for the extended one] ..after my eye was removed in Sophomore year @ The College of the Holy Cross”, first semester, I began running meetings, organizing classmates/other students, or events, much more than studying [Parents’ weekend, The Junior Prom, Sports rallies, etc.,etc.]. It was a thing I had learned somewhat in a part time time job all over Chicago, in a high school job for three years, as an Andy Frain Usher…..much more learning than I understood @ the time!!
I got good @ doing that it, and later in my career, began doing it as a part of other assignments, often because no one had paid much attention to those perspectives before. And I liked the challenge, it’s variety and integration to many other basic business operations. Much later in my counseling work, that skill turned out to be fundamental to success, much, much, more than most leaders were aware. It’s become, for me, an absolute crucible for the whole operation of the way I counsel with clients. A signature piece!!
Though my College degree was in English and Philosophy, the lost of one eye to cancer and subsequent reduced studying capacity, lead to a fundamental set of skills, running meetings, or facilitating them, that I use today constantly.