
  Three main products/processes

 The DOOLEY GROUP Leadership Counsel has provided personalized, unique and deep counsel to Executive Leadership for almost 50 years, across multiple organizations & industries, usually via a retainer relationship, or during implementation of the unique programs below [or their predecessors]. With a current diverse and extensive network of select organizations, a large portion of which have been closely involved  for many years, Dick, as an  experienced catalyst, brings about a synergy with significant value for all. It’s quite often quoted by clients, Forum participants and facilitators, as  “Magical”.

1) Process for Establishing Self-sustaining Leadership Learning Forums (ILLF™)

Many executive leaders in client organizations want to establish an internal, customized Leadership Learning Forum(LLF) process, within their own organizations, one that can be done primarily by their staff, on a self-sustaining basis, and adaptive to their ever changing organizational challenges.

An internal participant, learning from an outside speaker

An internal participant, learning from an outside speaker

I am uniquely qualified to help others find their own best way of utilizing the LLF process on site, and advance towards creating their own version of “forum magic”. Usually this takes some months of planning and development, plus often times, co-facilitating @ least in  the first  cycles of a new forum. This is most easily accomplished via a retainer arrangement, to effectively architect and deploy such a forum and embed it in that culture, with their specific needs.
Individual sponsors and facilitators also benefit [i.e., grow/learn/change] as well as the whole  Forum unit.

Beginning the Orientation session

Beginning the journey…an Orientation session

2) Executive Leadership Learning Network™ (ELLN™)

For those Forum graduates or clients, with executive level leadership potential, or who are already in that role, and who want to continue growing and learning while expanding in their current responsibilities, we have a completely customized, more specific program: the Executive Leadership Legacy Forum (ELLN™).

This includes a specialized meeting arrangement, close guidance by me, the use of multiple media to connect, mentoring done by them for others, and by me for them. It also includes a clearly articulated set of objectives and processes, plus  access to all my materials via this website, and interaction there,  while in the program.

This is much like my retainer service, but more flexible, and much more individualized.

3) Alumni Leadership Learning Network (ALLN)

Much like ELLN above, except it’s for Forum Graduates or emerging leaders. It includes personal and organizational growth as well as professional/community targets, continually expedited  by the actions, connections, ideas of each participant in this process, with my counsel and facilitation shared together in many channels: phone, virtual, visits, text, or email.

A personalized,  individual extention of the Forum Magic!! Done in an “Ad Hoc” process, customized and priced accordingly for this…i.e., in small sections, in an affordable set of financial or value options.

CONTACT ME- 508-771-0534  OR  DICK@THEDOOLEYGROUP.COM regarding each of the above.

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