I have been sharing for some years, an increasing proportion of my materials, developed over several decades focus, connected to running, or suggesting an architecture while counseling others, of various options for leadership development forums. The website architectural work plan attached below, was generated initially to help me attempt doing this. Many issues ago. So was the access policy now listed also. And both were shared with many others for their wisdom and experience insight. And both perspectives shared with many leaders [but always way less than 20] who wanted to do such forums, their own way or in separate, often quite different circumstances. It’s still a work in progress.
I, and others, have so much more, to add from the last 40 plus years of forum experience in different cultures, organization, and groups, I [and they] may likely be @ this the rest of my /their lives I strongly feel like it should be made accessible, as much as possible. It’s not part of my current life focus to see that it gets used. It may of may not………It’s quite enough to gather and add to, or change. making accessible, what we’ve learned so far!
This will be an ongoing process