
The implications and possibilities of my Inukshuk gifts [ I’m been spending more time, energy, creative spirit, doing these various art messages in recent months/years] actually began years ago, as part of an effort to generate a 30 year plan. As covered in my essay bios [click here for the regular version, and then here for the extended issue], I had to resort to painting it because words didn’t do the job……The painting lead to incorporating my vision into the ”Inukshuk” process. And lives there now, with each new one……For me it’s an art form, integrating my whole life. Thus  fundamental, much more than a hobby

Some document links below, will provide more insight to this creative communication process I’ve chosen. Click on the pop-up link on the bottom of the screen, please.

What’s an Inukshuk

Lessons, processes, Why, from Inukshuk creations

What is this “Third” Inukshuk

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