LLF Orientation – Four Short Videos

Henry Givray, CEO of SmithBucklin Corp., videoed professionally, my Leadership Learning Forum Orientation in four short segments, for use within SmithBucklin’s two leadership learning programs. The SmithBucklin Leadership Learning Forum is a 9-month program for top-performing employees at various levels within the company. The SmithBucklin Leadership Institute is a six-month experience for board members of SmithBucklin client associations. Henry is the sponsor and lead facilitator for both programs as well as the creator of their leadership content [his own extensive work] and a Forum process and format, customized from my  TDG,Inc. work

The total time of these four videos is approximately 41:00 minutes, but covers most of what I usually do in a “normal” orientation session, in c. 3.5 to 4 hours. That lesser time is because of the lack of participant questions, and, of not customizing many points in the process specifically to those in the audience, and finally, without several breaks. It’s just the “scaffolding”, so to speak of the overall  Forum architecture

I’ve listed the main points or ideas in each of the four videos, plus added the relevant “poster” #’s, which could be put together as a hand-out, or just let be re-created simply on a flip chart/whiteboard, live ,when appropriate, as I did in the videos. The sequence can be customized also. And different facilitators can cover separate points. Henry has found it useful, to schedule later in a forum cycle a re-play of these short versions. Having experienced directly many of the Orientation perspectives by that time, the “students” gain a much deeper understanding and have a better potential capacity to apply them in their own leadership situations.

You’re welcome to learn from these four brief summaries, or adapt them as relevant guidelines for your own use.

Call or connect if you’d like more insight on the very creative, often lengthy, process of customizing a Leadership Learning Forum.

To access  these videos, you need a password from me. Call or email



The first video [ 10:00 minutes]contains these  following points or major topics in the LLF, with the poster #’s referenced but only drawn or listed in simple form in the video

1.  Design – by meetings over months – many “learning” situations are a finite & short period of time – This is long enough – has time to soak/experiment, and to change if you desire – change your behavior, not your essence – requires  interaction with multiple others

2.  Vertical change  vs. horizontal – not traditional – where you could/will be – personal , often not metric –  understand both views – learn from others not in your “set”

3 . Sea Urchins – Your visible & unique path of growth/change –  your “best” path –  can be evergreen – cultivate non-group thinking & comparisons

4. Pace -Ramping up -as fast as possible – orientation helps – open your learning aperture – first few hours in the first day – capitalize on the opportunity.

5. 80 I. Q. points– Marvin Minsky -as good as being smart – Context – a leadership characteristic- getting/giving/seeking it 7×24

6. What’s enough time for you  – more than most think – once in a lifetime – 30% = classroom –  6 to 8 hours per week for a year, so c. 44 “normal” days – A value like a  2nd degree



Orientation Video #2 [ 12:18 minutes]– Topics covered – [poster #’s]

  1. Divergent- convergent. Forum design…a way of communicating/differentiating.
  2. Mandela. Icon from Hindu philosophy –precise & flexible – a baton to pass [217 A & B ]
  3. All learning Platforms. Enough of each. Learn all [3]
  4. Essay bio. Fundamental & beginning tool. It will grow/change like you [174]
  5. “Be There”. Full presence. Always…… “If it rings, you sing”




The third video [ 9:08 minutes] covers:

1. Speakers – Pre-briefing and selection…Capitalize on them…They believe & live it….never again   [433]

2.Time – Never use as an excuse………Drop from your equation…the whole LLF is a test of your time…”It’s not time’s fault”…..     [52, 253, 286, 295]

3.Feedback – Use of three part form… give it to your self??….. seek it & provide it always……..a record of your growth……    [59A&B, 42, 128, 111, 149]




The fourth video [9:26 minutes] covers:

1. The Three Magic Circles- applied at three level

2. Unique benefits –  You will never again be surrounded by so much designed for your growth, learning , change, etc. This perspective should be customized to each organization and culture


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