Sep 30

A longtime friend, Allan Alter, used to be editor @ DataMation, and also spoke for me @ several Leadership Learning Forums. He accepted a position @ WEF to study/forecast the not yet much talked about Artificial Intelligence. Of course the study focus spread, linking to more of today’s disruptive trends. The resulting document goes to Davos in Jan., 2020, then more public [not available to me or most of us yet]. But much is reviewable, and provocative on WEF’s website -[ go there please and ponder the impact on you/yourposition]………… including….AI… Future jobs [displace 75 million, create 133 million] ….digital surveillance…….personalized education…..Board level responsibility….focus in China…..etc. Much to adjust for…….

wef’s website

Sep 28

McKinsey & Company just published a paper “The analytics academy: Bridging the gap between human and artificial intelligence” – Sept. 2019. It’s superbly provocative, regardless of whether you agree with their academy proposal. The basics covered are crucial…. The importance now of “Re-skilling”, as well as learning new leadership capabilities, and bringing in new skills….and joining this together internally, @ all levels!…and being fully aware of what else AI connects to/requires. Much to consider carefully, discuss and execute wherever possible…… a very big order…!!!

Sep 25

There’s been an increasing amount of literature on Web 3.0 – what is it?….. What does it do?…. How much of an impact might it have? Interesting. I’m actually still fully occupied working on my existing site [ web 2.0 , I guess], getting it integrated, more concise, & fully up to date reflecting my life as it evolves approaching 2020, and perhaps even beyond!

So is 3.0 a place leaders must be?? For me just now, 3.0 is a reach…spatial….. embracing digital…..with advanced A.I. and Augmented Reality…… blockchain connections.?? Ahead of where I’ve been [ well the list referenced in my last blog below includes all these………………. ]

Very motivating to us all, I believe. More to come hopefully

Sep 17

I’ve updated my list of critical technologies many times, for Leadership sessions in recent years. The current perspectives are now, I believe, crucial for everyone…..Leader……..manager……. staff. Please read, ponder and keep in your everyday focus [ #448]. Its importance spreads!!

Sep 12

TED just published a talk [ I read them/listen, regularly] about reading slow, with your finger under each word, like we were all taught in our early lives never to do anymore. So I’ve tried. In certain situations..For awhile. Powerful. Stunning. Have I missed something key?? Could this spread to other situations? Well…we’ll move onto more complex trials or experiments with this idea….not predetermined as important, nor as pithy

Stay tuned…There is also a lot more on this perspective, connected to the talk!!…to follow/learn on your own…….

Sep 07

I have been considering, and talking with others, about changing/updating some of my Leadership Learning Forum Process, with those who are currently facilitating the program in their own best way. I want to focus on books!. I believe we intended in the beginning 25 years + ago, to mean “reading”…..but it was primarily books…along with a few articles or speeches. From the beginning “books”, both number, selection and handling, have been a foundational pillar of the program. along with speakers, exercises, discussions, breakout working sessions, meditation and round-tables. I have kept a master list containing c. 500 selections, 25 labeled integrating, 25 more labeled “core”, plus c. 300 ” most often used successfully”. Very many are still chosen /reviewed..

What are other options….T.V., Radio, Podcasts, people, WWW, magazines or subscriptions, newspapers, you own thinking!………..?!?……What would you use and why?

A strong consideration is to use some of these, but only focus on “part”…passages…don’t buy the book. concentrate on a theme or perspective….a growth opportunity! I’ll write more about this, and why, in this website, in the section on LLF Changes. Join me if you like

Sep 02
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