Recently while establishing several new customized cycles of the Leadership Learning Forum Process, in specific organizational settings, the 8 selection processes/discussion points [Post 280] modating increasing requirements to adjust. Hopefully that will continue amidst all the disruption/competitive pressure abound today.
I just updated, actually changing very little, the full description of “My Work” as I head into my 85th year…doing more by phone,email or virtual arrangements, with clients I know well/who know me well!
Less Travel. Often more effective,!!
The basis for the 7th phase of my life!!!
Very fulfilling…. to all.
Monday May 7th is my 84th birthday, and hopefully Spring this year is arriving now more definitively also. Winter has been slow to move back off our daily weather screen. A long walk today on the National seashore…… a birthday tradition….. was wonderful despite being a clear example of the two seasons struggling for dominance. Well my sense of this 85th year’s singular, expanding & felicitous cover in my life is quite vivid.
I’m most happy to live it through