Apr 05

Well ,with calls/emails and one comment on this system, it’s clear this list expands beyond most of our reading /learning habits in our current already full lives….but I’ve added two more anyway!



So it’s top twelve tech tides, for me @ least, just now. The latest copy of KurzweilAI 4/3/16, which I read with discipline, supports this “Avalanche” sense

Apr 02

There seem to be more, but ten is enough for me, now, to try understanding re. status, possibilities of both  dangers and benefits, and time to local impact/use. Just 18-24 months ago some were clearly still “Science Fiction”, or @ best experimental. Now there is literature available almost every day, it seems, with some new additive research/application being reported. Folding in real thought  and judgment about how/when to consider for actual project proposals is a new skill required , I believe  of every Organizational Leader. This requires changes/expansion of relationship networks, reading  habits, and openness of creative insights. A very big order, when combined with current loads and schedules!!

My current ten are: Advanced Artificial Intelligence, 3 D Printing, Drones, Implants, Wearables, Robotics, Virtual Reality, plus Augmented Reality, Driverless Cars/Captain-less Ships, and the Internet of Things……….

What are yours…and how will you look to apply???

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