Oct 17

Barbara and I spent the weekend @ The College of the Holy Cross, attending the President’s Council with many other leaders.  6 special Classmates there.  And lots of memories……. a wonderful time and process!! I was provoked to recall how huge an impact Holy Cross had on me in those four years [i.e., in addition to shaping my character & value set, & training my thinking habits, I had my eye removed because of cancer…… I learned how to lead/run all kinds of groups and meetings….. etc., etc.]

So I’ve been more broadly examining how the perspectives and imprints of that period of growth in my life, and the near term years after it,  applies today, here on Cape Cod, with 5 Children ,8 grandchildren, many friends, and multiple clients, all over the country, and how will it shape me in the coming years…….

Very  provocative

Oct 10

Our LLF @ Cantigny 10/4-5/11 was spectacularly successful for every one of the 27 attendees/speakers/facilitators. Their feedback was extraordinarily positive, &  appreciative. That’s always been the case@ Cantigny though every session is different. Go to the tab above for more detail. I’ll put up some of the attendees comments re. value.We plan to return next October 2-4, 2012. Pencil it in, please. And make your own comments please to this blog if you were there

The two photos below show some of the ongoing interaction there!

A break-out session of Cantigny LLF’ers


Henry Givray delivering the ending keynote talk on leadership @ Cantigny

Oct 09

Craig Allen, a Forum graduate, now with Total Wine, Inc., will speak of his work combining his passion which was & is a long standing hobby, and earning a living/following his career path. We can all learn from this perspective in today’s intense work environments. He will be joined by several others of the same persuasion,

And I’ll comment very briefly on the LLF just held @ Cantigny [ see the below post or the above tab]

Oct 01

After almost 30 virtual LLF 2.0 calls, I am returning to the “traditional”  process of meeting on a special site, with a small very select, commonly interested, set of forum graduates or clients. General Hal Nelson and I have used these facilities before to help us all focus on new leadership perspectives and processes, in today ‘s more challenging situations.   It’s stunning to me, through I’ve done this for 28 + years, how much care/preparation/speaker pre briefing/agenda placement, etc., it takes, to do it right. I  think it will show. It’s clearly something I love doing

Click on “Cantigny” above, & then “materials” for some info. Come if you can. Or just connect with me one way or another, please!

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