Still struggling getting ready, as I’ve referenced in recent past comments, but feeling more in the flow of what I dreamed about being able to do, and hope to go live with this site within days! We’ll see!!
Still adding, updating, rewriting, culling, & correcting misspellings and poor grammar. I can’t believe how much I let slip by!
Still planning to go live right after Easter, so when you check it out. Please let me know your reactions, its usefulness, and of ANY more things to correct or improvethat you find!!. I’d appreciate that a lot
Graduates will be able to continue as before, any or all 12 sessions per year for $300, or choose any four for $100, or do a group of 5 for $500 for all 12.
Newcomers have a special track, with heavy preparation and sponsorship, plus my intense mentoring… a few at a time.